Dear Life,
So I recognize it is only November 10th, but I just
had to put up the Christmas tree today. I have been thinking about it since... well... November 1st, and I just couldn't wait any longer! I've been asking for awhile, and I thought Mr. Wonderful would kindly object, but instead, when we got up this morning he fearlessly offered to put up the Christmas lights on our house, and before I even knew it he brought up the Christmas tree from the basement. :) Hip Hip Hooray! So, needless to say, we put on Christmas music, our Christmas PJs, and set up the tree!

I haven't quite figured out what we'll say to guests who come between now and Thanksgiving, but I'm hoping they won't mind. My thought is that at Thanksgiving it seems appropriate to be thankful for Jesus, because without Him we'd be lost in our sin and hopelessness, so why not have our Christmas tree up to remind us what is truly most important in life and what we are truly thankful for? That seems much better than looking at Black Friday ads and being discontent with what we have and in search of what we could purchase the day after, doesn't it?
Now, I just need to keep myself from spending millions of dollars on crafting supplies, because we've decided to do an all homemade Christmas this year. Spending millions of dollars would be exactly the opposite of what we're going for. I just have this serious problem, aided by pinterest, that makes me want to give lovin' away to everyone that walks in our door (and even those who don't...). Maybe that isn't a problem - but, you know what I mean. Our goal is to spread the Joy of Christmas through simple gifts that remind people of Jesus, not Santa or gifts or reindeer or snow.
Speaking of snow, it snowed for about 3 minutes yesterday - did you see it? I may be ready for Christmas, but I am not ready for snow.
In other news, Emberly giggled in her sleep today. While I was holding her. And it warmed my heart. :) Have I mentioned how in love with her we are around here? Still pretty drunk with baby love. She is sleeping so well at night, 6, 7, 8+ hours for the first stretch of the night, and several more after a little momma's milk. She started wearing 3-6 month clothes last week and is fitting into them all too well... I can't imagine she'll get to wear them much longer because her poor little toes will be too squished! She very consistently hits the toys on her play-mat and stares and studies the ones on her bouncy seat that are just out of reach. She makes eye contact at longer distances and talks even when someone isn't talking directly to her. When she wakes up in the morning I rarely hear crying, but instead a sweet little "calling" to let me know she's awake and then she just beams when I come in to greet her for the day. Love. It.
That's all for now!
Yours Truly,