Friday, April 27, 2012


Here is our last week-ish recaptured via instagram.
Doesn't Emberly get cuter every day?
I mean... I know she's my child and I am supposed to think she's the cutest baby in the whole wide world... but she really is. Hands down. ;)


Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Blog About Nothing

Dear Life,

1 Emberly's second top tooth (middle left) broke through the skin yesterday. WAHOO!!! :) There was much excitement in the Wobbema Household. And then Emberly took at 2 hour nap. Phew!

2 Emberly has had a cold for FOUR weeks. Four. I am feeling a little desperate and thanks to some expert advice from several mom friends, I made a chiropractic appointment for her for this coming Monday. Anybody have some reassuring words for me?? I am nervous!

3 Jordan's work schedule changes on the first of May. Instead of working 5 days on, 4 days off, he will work 6 days on, 4 days off. Ugh. I'm trying not to complain because my stellar husband is totally taking this in stride with no complaining... and he is actually the one doing the work. But it is hard. So thankful to be married to that guy.

Sincerely Yours,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reading Goal

Dear Life,

I made some New Year Resolutions this year. One of them was to read a book a month. This month I made my treck to the library and picked out a book. Fiction. I do not read fiction very often, and I was reminded why once I started to read.

The minute I cracked open that book, it owned me. It was so all-consuming that I would stay up way too late reading and then dream about it all night long. I would read every time Emberly went down for a nap. I would ask Jordan to watch Emberly for a little while and instead of getting much needed housework done or errands or whatever, I would go read my book. I did this for several days and then couldn't stand it anymore. You see... you don't really get a ton of reading done when you have a bambino. I mean... even in stealing away all of these moments for reading, I only got about half-way through this 500 page book.

After doing this for two or three days, I just couldn't stand how controlled I felt by this dumb book. So after reading until 11:00 one night, on a night I should have gone to bed the minute Emberly did (because she had been waking up 6+ times at night thanks to her awful cold and I was exhausted), I flipped to the last chapter and read it. And then it did not control me anymore.

How lame is that?

Some day I will finish it, I'm sure. But for now, I will return it to the library and find something non-fiction to read. Like a book on underwater basket weaving. Or something equally boring. (Ok, not boring... but just not as emotionally grabbing.)

Sincerely Yours,

Sunday, April 8, 2012


We spent Easter at the lake this year with my parents and grandparents.
It was way fun. No Easter dresses needed!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

7 months

7 months. 7.

I'm not really sure how it happened, but my sweet baby girl of 7 lbs. and 8 oz. wearing newborn onesies and fitting comfortably in my hands is now 20 lbs. even (as of 4-4-12) wearing 12-18 month clothes and is full of smiles and wiggles and no time to just sit in mama's lap. Her favorite food is a pear, banana, apple combo in oatmeal cereal, she nurses like it's going out of style, and she naps 2-3 times a day. We've mastered the morning nap at somewhere between an hour to two hours, with very little to no fussing beforehand. The afternoon nap or naps are a little trickier. Sometimes she get an hour in... other times she just cat naps in the afternoon. She sleeps 10-12+ hours every night and wakes up once or twice in that 12 hour span.

She has lots to "say" almost nonstop. We hear da-da, gee, gaa, ba-ba, ya-ya, and some other alien-like noises. She sits up like a big girl with almost 100% success... and has just started going from sitting to her tummy on her own to worm around a little. She can completely turn 360 degrees on her tummy and if she is on the hardwood floor she can back herself around to where she wants to go (and gets stuck under the furniture). Yesterday I set her down in one room and walked to the next and when I turned back to the room she was in, she was behind me. Hmmm... that's new.

She smiles at everyone at the postoffice, at Target, at church... as long as she is being held by mom or dad. She puts her arms up when she wants to be held, and I *think* she's signed "milk" to me a few times when she's hungry.

She does "so big" and "patty-cakes" when we ask... about 50% of the time. And sometimes she just does it when she feels like it. She claps all.the.time just because we smile and cheer when she does.

Her diapers are on the biggest rise with two notches in between... but it seems like she's already starting to wear off some of her sweet baby fat so we may have to make them smaller again.

Bath time is still a favorite, and she cries when we take her out before she thinks she's done chasing toys around. If she manages to get ahold of something and we take it away from her she starts crying too.

We've recently started trying a sippy-cup, but she isn't very successful yet.

She loves to be outside. Loves it.

She thinks her dad is hilarious.

She wants her mom for comfort.

And she is still our Angel Baby.

Pouting & Plants

Miss Pouty Face after her shots today...
She sat and whimpered and pouted while playing toys for a very long time. It was pretty cute. Even though I felt bad for her.

Project of the day...
Planted a mini greenhouse of tomato plants and flowers in my house today. *If* they grow, I will get to transplant them outside in my actual garden in several weeks. Way cheaper than buying the actual plants... and kinda fun too, as far as plants go...
(I must be getting old...)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Envelope System

Dear Life,

So we've been budgetting since November. That would make this our sixth month. We started out by continuing to use our debit cards and logging every purchase on a spreadsheet. It was a total pain. Now we are using cash for everything except bills. I thought it would be awful... but it is so very wonderful. Makes things so easy. Plus I got this cutesie money organizer from etsy and it makes Dave Ramsy's envelope system that much easier. Seriously.

It was hard when we started. I mean... really hard. We were budgetting almost every penny to our monthly expenses and saving very little.

BUT... here we are six months later and we are doing a little happy dance because we finally feel like we have a system. A very liveable, workable system. We have enough for our expenses each month and often have some leftover in our grocery fund or entertainment fund or whatever that can carry over to the next month. We are saving a very reasonable chunk of our income. We are not fighting about money. We are not stressed about money. We are not letting money control us. And it is awesome.

That's all.

Sincerely Yours,