Em has suddenly started repeating everything we say. Everything.
It doesn't always sound like the same thing, but is often very close.
And now she's into two word phrases like "tip back" and "go go!" and "all done" and "one arm" (in reference to getting dressed).
Moving up in the language world!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Miss Emmy B
Emberly's new "favorite" is rocking with me and watching all of the videos I've taken of her on my phone. She asks to watch them by pointing to my phone and saying, "Emmy?? Emmy??"
Why yes, sweet child. You can watch videos of that baby Emmy while snuggling with me. Can't think of a single thing I'd rather do.
Why yes, sweet child. You can watch videos of that baby Emmy while snuggling with me. Can't think of a single thing I'd rather do.
Good Morning
This morning Jordan tiptoed out of our bedroom and snuck into the kitchen (before I even woke up) to make me scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. This is the pretty much the greatest gift of all time, because it means I don't have to puke in the morning from an empty stomach. Love love love.
Then, while eating my eggs, raspberries, clementine, and toast, my sweet Emberly woke up and Jordan scooped her up, fed her breakfast, dressed her, and they bolted out the door to run some errands together, leaving me to just have a morning. :)
I laid in bed for awhile and then took the longest, most lovely hot shower. I read my bible and spent some much needed time with Jesus, dried my hair, found myself a bowl of Cheerios, and got back into bed where I now am officially stuck.
Can you say, "Merry Christmas to me??!" :)
And now I'm dreaming/thinking of all the things I'd like to accomplish today but probably won't... and feeling a peace about it. This bossy baby dictates how much I do these days, and I think it's a good lesson for me on resting, trusting, and not being in control.
So when my two favorites get home we are going to play toys and read books and enjoy time together as a family in our mostly messy house.
Then, while eating my eggs, raspberries, clementine, and toast, my sweet Emberly woke up and Jordan scooped her up, fed her breakfast, dressed her, and they bolted out the door to run some errands together, leaving me to just have a morning. :)
I laid in bed for awhile and then took the longest, most lovely hot shower. I read my bible and spent some much needed time with Jesus, dried my hair, found myself a bowl of Cheerios, and got back into bed where I now am officially stuck.
Can you say, "Merry Christmas to me??!" :)
And now I'm dreaming/thinking of all the things I'd like to accomplish today but probably won't... and feeling a peace about it. This bossy baby dictates how much I do these days, and I think it's a good lesson for me on resting, trusting, and not being in control.
So when my two favorites get home we are going to play toys and read books and enjoy time together as a family in our mostly messy house.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Maybe normal people actually do have pregnancy cravings, but I feel like in reality it should be called the "one thing in the whole wide world I'd be willing to eat" syndrome. Eating food is just such a chore right now and I feel like I need to eat all.the.time to keep this bossy baby in my tummy happy.
When I was pregnant with Emberly, it didn't matter at all what I ate... I could eat pizza, Chinese food, tacos, spaghetti... or whatever sounded good in the moment. It was kind of awesome in that I could pick up fast food... fast... and eat it so I didn't have to feel so nasty sick (although I definitely did feel nasty sick a large majority of the time). But this baby is so very different... I have been eating bland and blah food like a baked potatoes, a bowl of Cheerios or Kix, or maybe a granola bar or ramen noodle soup. Tonight I sent Jordan to the grocery store for snow peas, carrots, and coldstone ice cream. Weird.
But let's just say for a moment that Jordan has been all sorts of amazing. I cannot open the kitchen garbage without puking some days, so I just pile my garbage next to it and he throws it all in and takes it outside. He gets me food when I have passed the point of no return. Brings me eggs in bed. Lets me take naps. Takes our child on errands to give me a break. I married the best of the best. Be jealous.
Ok I'm not normally sappy... So thanks for enduring.
That's all!
When I was pregnant with Emberly, it didn't matter at all what I ate... I could eat pizza, Chinese food, tacos, spaghetti... or whatever sounded good in the moment. It was kind of awesome in that I could pick up fast food... fast... and eat it so I didn't have to feel so nasty sick (although I definitely did feel nasty sick a large majority of the time). But this baby is so very different... I have been eating bland and blah food like a baked potatoes, a bowl of Cheerios or Kix, or maybe a granola bar or ramen noodle soup. Tonight I sent Jordan to the grocery store for snow peas, carrots, and coldstone ice cream. Weird.
But let's just say for a moment that Jordan has been all sorts of amazing. I cannot open the kitchen garbage without puking some days, so I just pile my garbage next to it and he throws it all in and takes it outside. He gets me food when I have passed the point of no return. Brings me eggs in bed. Lets me take naps. Takes our child on errands to give me a break. I married the best of the best. Be jealous.
Ok I'm not normally sappy... So thanks for enduring.
That's all!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Oh happy day!
Oh happy day today! I only threw up once and had a nice long break from the constant nausea in which I got to spend some sweet time with Jordan and Emberly, get some much needed cleaning and picking up done, and just enjoy the little parts of my day. Thank you, Jesus, for the unexpected gift!
Emberly didn't take an afternoon nap today (though she gave it her best shot for an hour... so I still had a little break) so she crashed early. There is absolutely nothing in the world like rocking an all-about-movement bambino who lays her head on your shoulder and just melts into you, falling asleep in just moments. It is like a drug. The most heavenly, addicting drug.
And now this pregnant mama is exhausted. I've been napping every day and didn't today. So it is 8:00pm and I'm tucked into bed. One more day of school and this teacher is on Christmas break. So.very.excited. Maybe even as excited as those wide eyed kinders I see every day! Also excited that tomorrow is pajama day! Maybe one of the best perks of working in a school. Be jealous all you business working people.
5 sleeps until Christmas!
Emberly didn't take an afternoon nap today (though she gave it her best shot for an hour... so I still had a little break) so she crashed early. There is absolutely nothing in the world like rocking an all-about-movement bambino who lays her head on your shoulder and just melts into you, falling asleep in just moments. It is like a drug. The most heavenly, addicting drug.
And now this pregnant mama is exhausted. I've been napping every day and didn't today. So it is 8:00pm and I'm tucked into bed. One more day of school and this teacher is on Christmas break. So.very.excited. Maybe even as excited as those wide eyed kinders I see every day! Also excited that tomorrow is pajama day! Maybe one of the best perks of working in a school. Be jealous all you business working people.
5 sleeps until Christmas!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
To-Do List
Things I've accomplished last night and already this morning that were not on my (ever growing, never ending) to-do list:
#1 - be awake most of the night with a fussy, crying baby.
#2 - throw up the medication that is supposed to help with my nausea. twice.
#3 - puke in the grocery store this morning on my way to work while trying to find something I can eat that will stay in my stomach.
#4 - lose 7ish pounds in the last two weeks instead of gain weight like normal pregnant people.
I had my first OB appointment yesterday and Dr. V asked if I felt pregnant (in reference to morning sickness). Uh... yes, I surely do feel pregnant. He reassured me that they love to hear it when people are super sick because it means their hormones are doing the right thing and they are way less likely to miscarry. I can appreciate that.
Tell me I'm going to make it through today. Better yet... will you pray that I'll make it through the day?
Right now I'm laying on my small group table in my office typing this on my phone. My first student is absent this morning. I truly think that was God at work so that I could regroup a few extra minutes before plugging forward. Thanks, God. You know exactly what I need. :)
#1 - be awake most of the night with a fussy, crying baby.
#2 - throw up the medication that is supposed to help with my nausea. twice.
#3 - puke in the grocery store this morning on my way to work while trying to find something I can eat that will stay in my stomach.
#4 - lose 7ish pounds in the last two weeks instead of gain weight like normal pregnant people.
I had my first OB appointment yesterday and Dr. V asked if I felt pregnant (in reference to morning sickness). Uh... yes, I surely do feel pregnant. He reassured me that they love to hear it when people are super sick because it means their hormones are doing the right thing and they are way less likely to miscarry. I can appreciate that.
Tell me I'm going to make it through today. Better yet... will you pray that I'll make it through the day?
Right now I'm laying on my small group table in my office typing this on my phone. My first student is absent this morning. I truly think that was God at work so that I could regroup a few extra minutes before plugging forward. Thanks, God. You know exactly what I need. :)
Friday, December 14, 2012
My little mother child
Emberly went and found her teddy bear and put him in the highchair. She found an empty bowl and a spoon and started stirring the bowl. She blew on it a little. She told her teddy it was hot. She smacked her lips and started feeding her teddy, saying "mmmmm" each time she gave him a bite. I was completely in awe of the little immagination that grew right before my eyes. And then she took her teddy out and gave him some love and kisses and some love pats and layed him down on the floor and covered him up with her blanket telling him "nigh-nigh." And then she put him back in the chair and fed him again.
My little mother child. She goes through the routine now every day. She feeds her teddy and her baby. She burps them. She puts them to bed. She changes their diaper. She blows on their food when it's hot. And then she does it all over again. It's incredible to watch. I seriously just cannot get enough of it.
I think she'll be a great big sister.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Morning Sickness & Mother-in-laws
Let's talk about morning sickness for a minute. It is so.not.fun. You people who love being pregnant, I just do not understand you. Don't get me wrong... I love love love love the prize at the end. It is 100% worth it. But the process is just well... lame. Lame is the nicest word I can think of.
So that is my little rant. Now let's talk about awesomeness. Like my mother-in-law who came to help with "whatever" yesterday, which just so happened to be my worst day yet. She fed Emberly so that I could hide in the bedroom so as not to smell the smells associated with any foods, she gave Em a bath, read her stories, did my dishes, folded my laundry...
I asked her to move into our basement but sadly, she has to go back to Bismarck. But seriously, who does that? I have pretty awesome in-laws. You should all be jealous.
So that's my story about morning/all-day sickness. If you're a praying person and wanted to pray that I could be done with the puking and all day nauseousness soon, I'd be forever grateful.
Happy Thursday to you!
Let's talk about morning sickness for a minute. It is so.not.fun. You people who love being pregnant, I just do not understand you. Don't get me wrong... I love love love love the prize at the end. It is 100% worth it. But the process is just well... lame. Lame is the nicest word I can think of.
So that is my little rant. Now let's talk about awesomeness. Like my mother-in-law who came to help with "whatever" yesterday, which just so happened to be my worst day yet. She fed Emberly so that I could hide in the bedroom so as not to smell the smells associated with any foods, she gave Em a bath, read her stories, did my dishes, folded my laundry...
I asked her to move into our basement but sadly, she has to go back to Bismarck. But seriously, who does that? I have pretty awesome in-laws. You should all be jealous.
So that's my story about morning/all-day sickness. If you're a praying person and wanted to pray that I could be done with the puking and all day nauseousness soon, I'd be forever grateful.
Happy Thursday to you!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Funny Face
My mama
My mom is awesome. She watched Em this morning while J and I were both at work (J works one day shift a month) and I came home to a well-fed, played-with, and taken-care-of bambino, completed laundry (folded and everything), dusting done, dishes washed, floor scrubbed, and probably a bunch of other things I haven't noticed yet. I could have cried I was so happy. And well because my hormones are extremely messed up. Thank you, baby. But more importantly, thank you mama. Because sometimes you just need your mama.
Dear Life,
My mom said you'd probably call me a liar if I told you this... but I just need to document. Emberly has been sleeping from 7 or 8pm until between 8:30-10am every day. Sometimes she gets up to 15 hours of sleep at night. This is super strange and very unreal and I only wish I didn't have to get up at 6am to get to work on time so that I could actually take advantage of it.
She still naps once or twice in addition to that huge chunk of sleep too. She is one well rested little bambino. Let's all just pray together that Baby #2 will have similar sleep habits. No I mean it... please pray.
Sincerely Yours
My mom said you'd probably call me a liar if I told you this... but I just need to document. Emberly has been sleeping from 7 or 8pm until between 8:30-10am every day. Sometimes she gets up to 15 hours of sleep at night. This is super strange and very unreal and I only wish I didn't have to get up at 6am to get to work on time so that I could actually take advantage of it.
She still naps once or twice in addition to that huge chunk of sleep too. She is one well rested little bambino. Let's all just pray together that Baby #2 will have similar sleep habits. No I mean it... please pray.
Sincerely Yours
Monday, December 3, 2012
Bedtime Bologna
I'm laying in bed (yes, I sure am!) listening to Emberly bounce around her crib... singing songs, talking to her teddies, and who knows what else while she is supposed to be napping. It's been close to an hour. Jordan and I have each been in there once. Jordan got the pleasure of changing a messy diaper, I got to just lay her back down and say it is time to sleep.
She is sneaky though. We go in there to tell her it's time for "nigh-nigh" as she calls it, and she signs "eat" or "drink" or "play" - and thinks that it is going to get her out of a nap. She is desperately tired and yet won't stop long enough to actually sleep. So here it is 12:30 and she is supposed to be waking UP from a nap, and she hasn't even fallen asleep yet.
Some days she gets just one nap, other days she gets two... but what she really needs is about one and a half. Someone figure that one out for me.
My mom called this stalling, complaining, "I need a drink" or "I'm scared" or "I'm suddenly very hungry" stuff bedtime bologna when I was growing up. I think my child inherited it from me.
She is sneaky though. We go in there to tell her it's time for "nigh-nigh" as she calls it, and she signs "eat" or "drink" or "play" - and thinks that it is going to get her out of a nap. She is desperately tired and yet won't stop long enough to actually sleep. So here it is 12:30 and she is supposed to be waking UP from a nap, and she hasn't even fallen asleep yet.
Some days she gets just one nap, other days she gets two... but what she really needs is about one and a half. Someone figure that one out for me.
My mom called this stalling, complaining, "I need a drink" or "I'm scared" or "I'm suddenly very hungry" stuff bedtime bologna when I was growing up. I think my child inherited it from me.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
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