A) I think I might have a sinus infection.
B) Living in denial, I had a glass of milk with my dinner tonight. And now I want to die a little bit.
C) 6 days until I get to fly to graduation and see my hubby!
D) Of the 7 weeks Jordan has been gone so far, someone in my house has been sick during 6 of those weeks. Many of those weeks more than one of us. That has included 4 trips to the walk-in clinic, 2 ear infections, 1 throat culture, 2 rounds of antibiotics and 1 ER visit. {and if my "cold" continues... we will make it 5 trips, 3 rounds of antibiotics, and 1 sinus infection...}
E) There has been more crying in this household in the past 7 weeks than maybe the past 7 months. {Only a little of it was me.}
F) I sold one of our vehicles and the other made a trip to the mechanic after the door {yes, door} broke.
G) We have watched more Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood than I am proud of.
H) I completely weaned Piper, first from any night feedings, and then onto formula 100%.
I) I may or may not have watched 7 seasons of the Office.
J) I have learned more about prayer and God's ever present hand in my life. In His most grace-filled way, we've even enjoyed lots of these 7 weeks, in spite of (or maybe in the midst of) sickness, tears, lack of sleep, and frustrations.
K) I have been "that mom" at Target. Walmart. Hornbachers. Doctor's office. Chiropractor. You name it. {You know, the one that is there after bedtime, with children in pajamas, trying to find a humidifier, but might as well get groceries while we're here... while children are crying, oh and sick, and oops I forgot to dress them warm enough, and why in the world is it so cold in May anyway?}
L) I have this gigantic appreciation for single mothers. I want to hug you all and bring you meals and offer to watch your children and let you sit in silence and yes.
M) Six.Days.Left