This week I sat down to nurse Grayson for 15 minutes (in the living room people, I was not in a room with a closed door or anything). In that 15 minutes one child found Chapstick and put it all over four of her dolls' feet in attempt to stick them to the table. I heard her creating the scene out loud as she often does, saying something to the effect of "oh no! You walked through goo in the forest and got stuck!" to which I immediately asked, "Emberly, what are you using for goo?" to which she responded, "sorry mama..."
In that same nursing session the other one had taken a roll of toilet paper out of the bathroom and ripped it to shreds and shoved it down the floor vent. #notkidding
That very same day (Jordan's birthday) I left for 25 minutes to go to the chiropractor. We had just eaten tacos for lunch. And guac. And chocolate cake. Jordan sent the girls downstairs to play while he cleaned up lunch. This is not unusual. They started jumping on the trampoline. Suddenly Emberly yelled to Jordan to come quickly. Piper coughed herself into a puking frenzy. On the trampoline. Then Emberly looked and started sympathy puking. Both of them. Entire lunches. All over the trampoline. I came home to them in the bath. Praise the Lord Grayson slept through it all. Happy Birthday Jordan.
Read this if you have kids that cough all winter and you want to laugh. This is my life:
So I just can't take a hint that maybe the day is shot and we went to the library that afternoon. Grayson was supposed to be napping so I figured he'd snooze away in the stroller. WRONG. He fussed and cried and insisted he was hungry even though I fed him immediately before we left. I finally gave up and sat down to nurse him in the kid area Wiggle Room and just as I got comfortable Piper needed to use the bathroom. Those darn little potties at the library and their novelty. Double stroller, library tote on wheels, nursing baby, mama, and two kids into the bathroom...
We went home after that. My kids watched more TV than necessary. And we went to bed.
I'm not gonna lie... It's crazy. But it's also my brand of crazy. And I'm not even trying to wrap the crazy up into a nice little package and stick a fancy little bow on it... but I mean it when I say that I'd have it no other way. :)
The End.