I'm rambling. Already. Anywho, it was just so glorious. One on one time with any of my little people is just so great. I sometimes forget who they are apart from their siblings. Suddenly my (overall) well behaved children turn into monsters deliberately sabotaging my ability to be on time and/or give off the appearance of having a relative amount of control in my life.
But when they are alone they get a moment to shine. And I kid you not, Piper did not stop talking from the moment we walked out the door until we returned home. ("Mommy look over there! I see the Walmart. I'll point to it so you can see it too. Does Walmart have groceries? What kind of groceries do we need? Don't forget to buy bananas. And cucumbers too mama. I love cucumbers. But mostly I like my vegetables cooked, not raw. Except carrots. I like raw carrots. But I like my broccoli cooked. Do we need broccoli mama? Should I hold your hand when we get out of the van? How about I ride in the cart too. I'll be your helper. See that girl helping her mama? She's carrying something really big! That man has a chair with wheels! I'm in a cart with wheels. Look! Donuts! I LIKE donuts!")
It was precious.
She's pretty great. I wish I had taken a picture. But I didn't. So I'll leave you with these two pictures that capture "Piper" right now. The first one is of her chewing on her brand new sensory chew necklace. (Saving my dining room table corners, one necklace at a time...) and the second is Pippy all cozied up to Grayson, holding his hand just because.