Dear Life,
I *L.O.V.E.* days at home. I am recharged by this glorious, quiet, lovely alone time. Don’t get me wrong… I still like people (duh)…I just need those days every once in a while where I can clean my kitchen, read a good book, explore pinterest, (my new obsession – oops!) cuddle Angel Baby, and just sit in silence. J Sigh.
Today has been one of those days and it feels SO good. Emberly is napping next to me in her vibrating bouncy chair (which she just *loves*) and I have been reading teacher blogs. Yes, this is a new obsession of mine. I suddenly have tons of time to read (while nursing… what else should I be doing?) and have found some fantastic blogs. (Overshare?) Now, I’m not gonna lie… this makes me miss teaching. A lot. So I’ve been praying and dreaming and planning and praying and planning and dreaming about what next year will hold. I know Angel Baby is only 5 weeks old, and I have approximately 7 months until I would need to actually apply for a job… but hey, no time like the present to start praying about it, right?
So here’s what I’ve discovered so far. It might change. I’m open to that. J
I love teaching reading. More than any other content area. Love. It. I just see their little eyes light up when they discover something new, or point out a sight word from an old spelling test in text, or actually remember that “ar” says “arrrr” like a pirate instead of two separate sounds. Love.
But, even more than that, I love having time at home to be with my family, cuddle sweet Emberly, talk to my husband, make dinners, exercise, and sleep (kind of) at night.
So, what if I could combine those two loves into the perfect teaching job of all time? Well… there may not be such a thing, but it would be pretty cool if there was. I am not giving up on the dream. SO – I have been looking into Title Reading positions. These teachers in my mind have the best job. They teach reading all day long to small groups of kids (low low low kids) who need help, patient teachers, love, and encouragement. They have a small group of students for one block of the day, and then they send them back to their classroom teacher and start over with another group of kids. The job isn’t all sunshine and daisies though…working with kiddos that need extra help, explaining lack of progress to parents, motivating unmotivated readers, doing LOTS of paperwork… but hey, that’s just part of the job, right?
So back to my loves: Jesus. Family. Teaching. Reading. (um… not exclusively, obviously…)
Wouldn’t it be awesome to find a Title Reading position that was part time? (Ok, you’re thinking “Molly, DREAM ON.”) I know. But I believe that if I am meant to return to the classroom, there will be a job like this available. I also believe that if there is a job like this that is meant for me, it will line up with Jordan’s schedule and my mom’s schedule so that Emberly wouldn’t have to go to daycare. But even though I have this preconceived notion of what would be PERFECT, I know that the Lord is “able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine, according to the work within us…” (Ephesians 3:20). So that is what we’re praying. You can pray too, if you’d like. And if you hear of a job like this, well… LET ME KNOW! J
Yours Truly,
And... just because no blog post is complete without a photo... here is Angel Baby, who WAS asleep when I took the picture, and is now awake and as happy as can be. :)