Dear Life,

On Friday morning we woke up and were about to run some errands, do some cleaning, get some groceries, and other responsible parenty things when we decided on a whim to go to the lake for the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson instead. It was about 9:00am and we set a goal to be on the road by noon. Just in case you don't have kids and don't know... it is not easy to go anywhere quickly... and we only have one bambino that is quite portable. Even still, this was an ambitious goal for us. We had a lot to do. BUT... by 12:30, we were driving away from our house (to Target to get a few last minute things) and were on the road officially by about 1:30. Emberly broke her usual 'cry all the way to anywhere in the car' mold and slept the whole way to the lake. Three cheers for Emberly!

We had all kinds of fun at the lake. Emberly loved getting snuggled by grandma and grandpa a lot. She even got to take a nap or two with dad in the recliner. Jordan and I each took a turn kayakiing on a perfectly peaceful lake, we got to go four-wheeling several times, Jordan got to fish, and I went on some lovely walks with my mom. All around, it was a lovely weekend. Want to know the best part? I thought I would be all type-A-ish about needing to get back home so we could do those errands, do the cleaning, and get the groceries I was telling you about earlier... but I wasn't! Want to know why? Because the Lord has been teaching me that I need to live my life a little more than I allow myself to sometimes. I want to be in control of all the little stuff so it appears I have more control than I really do, but that isn't the way it is supposed to be. I am pretty sure that I won't look back at my life and wonder why I let my house get so dusty or forgot to vacuum under my dining room table or make our bed. I want to teach Emberly how to enjoy life and play too, along with responsibility and the satifaction of hard work. Balance. Yes, that is the word of the season.

Yours Truly,
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