Emberly got her first taste of rice cereal yesterday and thought it was quite tasty. She was quick to catch on to what to do with her tongue and managed to swallow more than she pushed out. We are pumped because we are thinking that since she won't take a bottle, she could at least have a little rice cereal in the mornings next week when I am helping with benchmarking.
I ordered this fancy "lovelace" diaper last week and it came today! Is it not the most adorable diaper you've ever seen? It is a freetime diaper... which means you do not have to stuff the inserts, they are sewn on the sides with a 'stay-dry' cover. Um... that probably means nothing to you... but I am super excited, so I had to share.

See this beauty? This is my Christmas present from Jordan. It is probably my most favorite gift of all time. (Jordan said that my reaction when this came was better than my reaction to my engagement ring... but I think he's exaggerating... *slightly*.) It is an Erin Condren life planner and it has month tabs and stickers for events and a folder in the back and it has wonderful colors and cute fonts and a place to put my goals and lists and it is going to organize my life. Yes. I think I love it a little.
Speaking of goals... here are a few of mine for 2012:
1. Write to our sponsored kiddos from Compassion International once a month.
2. Write a fun letter/note/card to someone every week.
3. Lose the rest of my pregnancy weight by eating healthy and doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. (For more than 30 days. :) ... who am I kidding... for more than 2 days!)
4. Read one book for fun each month.
5. Read through the Bible. The whole thing.
Wanna know which one will be the hardest? Reading through the Bible. Ugh. I didn't even want to write that one down because I just feel like I am destined to fail. I think I have made this goal every year since middle school... and I'm embarassed to admit I've never done it.
So... here is my fresh start once again. I read a little comic that had two dogs on it and one was asking the other, "What are New Years Resolutions anyway?" and the other dog said, "It's a to-do list for January." I laughed... but I do not want this to be true of my life this year! So... I wrote them in my life planner and I am going to revisit them every month. I will try to keep you updated. That means I have to work on them, right?
So far I have written my fun card for the week, I am in the middle of my fun book for the month, I am on chapter 7 of Genesis and Matthew, and I am totally failing at eating healthy.
WELL... Emberly has not cried for about 10 minutes now, so I think she is finally asleep. The last two nights she's been up at 4:00am and hasn't really gone back to sleep until much later in the morning. She has a cold and is a mess and that means by default I am a mess too. SO I have learned my lesson from the last two nights and am going to bed early tonight too. Hopefully we will be up and moving in time for church tomorrow if angel baby is feeling better.
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