Thursday, September 27, 2012


Dear Life,

I had such a sweet mama moment tonight when I was tucking E into bed. She didn't take an afternoon nap, she spent the morning with a little one year old buddy, and she had a date with my parents at a Cancer Survivor's picnic tonight... so she was SUPER tired. So I pull her up onto my lap to read stories and rock a little before we say goodnight and every book I pull out she pushes away. She love love loves to read books so I was puzzled, but finally caught on and just turned out the lights and started saying goodnight. She turned her little body around and out her head on my shoulder (as if to say, "thanks mom, I just wanna go to bed") like we do each night, but then suddenly she put her head up again, looked me straight in the eyes, and came right at my lips for a big mouth open baby loving kiss. She zeroed in on my lips about ten more times... if I turned my head to get out of it she turned hers too. Mama melting adorable baby loving. She put her head back on my shoulder and let me rock her a moment more while she cooed and sang the softest, sweetest, baby noises. Then, she gave me her wiggle signal that she'd like to just be in her bed so I laid her down and she sang herself to sleep. Sigh. Every day I feel more in love with that bambino.

That's all.

Sincerely Yours,

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