I've literally asked her to resend me the recipe probably four or five times thanks to my disorganized life as of late... so I'm documenting in a place I can't lose it! Maybe you'd like a homemade detergent too... even if you don't wash cloth diaps!
22 oz. washing soda
7.5 oz. baking soda
8 oz. oxyclean free
The oxyclean free was $8 I believe for 3 lbs, so kinda spendy upfront, but you can make 6 recipes out of one tub. That means $1.30ish per recipe. Not bad! Baking soda is $1 for 16 ounces, so $0.50 per recipe, and the washing soda is $4 for 55 ounces, therefore $1.60ish per recipe.
Bottom line:
Homemade: $3.40
Makes 74 Tbsp. I use 2-3 Tbsp per load in my top loader. This washes 25-37 loads.
$0.14 per load on the lowest end.
Rockin' Green: $14.95.
Washes 45 loads with 2 Tbsp.
$0.33 per load.
Here is a picture in case you like to know what you're looking for!