Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Emberly's Words

Emberly has SO much language.  I cannot even count/note all of the words she knows because it is literally growing every day.  Every once in awhile we'll be reading books or looking at something and E will announce a new word that we didn't even know she knew.  Last night we were reading and she pointed to a fish and said, "fsh."  :)  Jordan and I looked at each other with surprise... we had no idea she could say that!  Makes my mama heart proud.  Just for fun to look at someday... here is a list of some of the words E says and signs on a daily basis...

- "neigh" for a horse
- "moo" for a cow
- "baa" for a sheep
- moon
- mama
- dada
- papa
- nana
- duck
- nigh-nigh
- up
- help
- ball
- bath
- cheese
- "nana" (for banana)
- all done
- honey
- teddy
- book
- more
- snack

Sign Language:
- more
- eat
- banana
- all done
- diaper
- bird
- fish
- cat
- dog
- horse
- drink
- milk
- train
- airplane
- car
- please
- thank you
- sorry
- shoes
- socks
- sleep
- boat
- ball
- wash hands
- bath
- brush teeth
- book
- outside
- bug
- up
- stars

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