Today's Date: June 18, 2013
Weeks: 36
Trimester: 3
Countdown to due date: 28 days!
Baby is the size of: a head of romaine lettuce (and about 6 pounds)
Milestones: Baby will gain about an ounce/day to the end - about a half a pound a week!
Symptoms: Going potty all.the.time, restless legs, some sciatic nerve pain, slightly swollen feet, and no desire to bend over at all!
Cravings: granola! :) mmmm
Aversions: any sort of big meal - no room for meals in this tummy anymore, so lots of snacking is taking place!
Best moment/thankful for: getting air conditioning hooked up in our house finally! I was just a little on the "too pregnant" edge to be without it!
Also feeling thankful I still have my wedding ring on at this point in my pregnancy! I don't remember when I had to take it off with Em, but it was surely well before 36 weeks!
Oh! And after my doctor appointment yesterday I purchased a few new swaddle blankets, a newborn hat, and a baby book!
Looking forward to: going to the lake with J and Em this weekend and having some R&R
Emotions: back in full swing! Finding out yesterday that I'm only measuring at 32 weeks makes me feel worried about this baby... but I'm trying to remind myself that this baby will be exactly the way God designed it - big or small :)
Movement: lots! Doctor says that the movement will slow down now that baby is running out of room, but I sure haven't experienced that yet! (Probably because baby is measuring small??) Anywho - she is very busy and very much up in my ribs and down on my bladder. I often feel (and see) little appendages sticking out on my sides, and she has the hiccups at least once a day. Usually in the hour or so after I put Em to bed (8:00ish) she has a little party in my tummy... or maybe I just notice it more then because I'm not distracted by my busy almost two-year old.
Names: We had a name picked out for many months, but now I'm wavering. I *think* we have it narrowed down to three top first name choices, and the middle name all depends on the first. But I think I'll just need to hold this baby to decide for sure.
Big sister: If you ask Emberly where the baby is she *might* point to my belly. Or she might point to her belly. Or she might say to you "baby. Wahh!" (Which translates to "babies cry.")
She does know where the baby's room is though, and often wants to play in there or rock her baby in the rocking chair, or tuck her baby into bed in the crib.
Sleep/Dreams: Sleep?? What is that again? I'm excited for this baby to be outside of me keeping me awake instead of inside of me keeping me awake. Between my restless legs and frequent trips to the bathroom, I don't sleep a whole lot. But I do enjoy an afternoon "rest" most days, even if I can't fall asleep.
Labor and delivery and water breaking dreams have officially started. SO weird to wake up and wonder if you've already had your baby or not!
Nesting/Preparations: Always. Baby's room is almost "ready" and since moving into our new house we have been trying to finish house projects left and right. My mother-in-law helped me to paint Emberly's room this weekend and it is finally starting to come together, and Jordan has been working on getting our yard ready to put in grass.

Labor guesses: feeling like this baby will come late, especially with my small measurements and the fact that Emberly came late too. Trying to remind myself that I won't be the only pregnant lady that stays pregnant forever, and that this baby will be "on time" according to God's plan.
(Unfortunately this is not always so easy!)