I feel like a bad mama in the documentation department for pregnancy número dos. In fact, I feel a little bit like I hardly have time to remember that I'm pregnant most days. (Minus the bending over thing and peeing every 30 minutes thing and no longer being able to comfortably rock my almost two-year old because there is no room on my lap thing.)
But tomorrow marks 34 weeks. Today I had a routine OB appointment and all still seems peachy keen. I am measuring 31 weeks... but baby is still growing at the right pace, so I am told to not worry. I'm not worrying. In fact, I hope that just means this baby will be peanut sized. (And come early, but what pregnant mama doesn't hope that??).
Dr. V said that we need to keep this baby in two more weeks and anytime after that is fair game. That freaked me out a little. Two weeks?! I have a lot to do.
But let's be honest. This baby will probably hold out until 41 weeks or something wildly beyond. I am not even going to get my hopes up for an early delivery.
Still. I have a lot to do. My list is kind of long. And this time around, I am most interested in packing my hospital bag. Because going to the hospital is how you get the baby. So I'll probably do that first.
Good news is that it has been unseasonably cool, which means I'm not a hot mess yet. I'm fairly certain I was hot and uncomfortable and retaining a lot of fluid at this point with Emberly. I for sure had my wedding ring off... which did nothing for my pregnancy blues. But my wedding ring is still comfortably on, I'm only up 20 pounds, and I have gained less than a pound in the last month thanks to my pathetic appetite and lack of room for food plus baby in my belly.
Again, doctor is not concerned, therefore I am not either. In fact, I'm kind of pleased. It feels good to not be a walking balloon quite yet. That time is surely coming.
So now we just play the waiting game I guess. Except... it feels like time is just going so fast. And I want to enjoy every moment with just Emberly that I can. Not that I'll be sad for Emberly when baby comes, I just want these weeks to be special. I can't really explain it.
That's my story. Happy 34 weeks to me!
This was my helper at my appointment today. Cute, isn't she?
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