Dear Life,
I had my weekly doctor appointment this morning. I was a "good" 2cm dilated, 85% effaced, and baby's head was at -2. Progress!
The only small dilemma is that baby hasn't really grown since last week and is measuring right around 35-36 weeks. So Dr. V thought it would be best to get me in for an ultrasound and check my fluid levels.
So at 1:15 we went in for an ultrasound and all seemed to be looking good (baby has hair!) but my fluid levels were low. They'd like you to be at about 10cm, but the normal range is 5-25cm. I was at about 4.5cm. Dr. V was consulted and he decided he'd like me to do a non-stress test just to make sure all looked well, so we went upstairs and had that done next. Baby's heart rate responded nicely and showed no signs of distress, and we also found out that unknown to me, I was having contractions about every 3-5 minutes apart, lasting about 50 seconds at a time! Crazy!
Anywho - Dr. Vetter decided that since baby isn't really growing anymore, and has been at a bit of a standstill, plus the fact that my fluid is low, we should get the ball rolling on this whole having the baby thing and get baby out here to start growing since she's not so interested in growing in there. So he'd like me to be induced on Wednesday if baby doesn't decide to make her debut by then! Yikes!
So that is all we know!
I have a cold and am feeling kind of miserable and hardly slept a wink last night, so I'm praying for lots of restful sleep tonight and to naturally go into labor tomorrow! (A girl can hope, right?!) Dr. V did strip my membranes today, and with Emberly I had a baby in my arms 24 hours after that happened! So... stranger things have happened.
Prayers for a remarkably fast recovery from this cold, a solid night of sleep, and to naturally go into labor tomorrow would be soooo appreciated!
Sincerely Yours,
*almost* Mama of Two
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