Saturday, January 4, 2014

We made it...

Dear Life,

I think the illness is done.  Praise. The. Lord.

Now we can concentrate on more important things.  Like playing with toys... learning the ABCs... rolling over... sharing... all that jazz.

Em has been super into building toys lately... like legos, blocks, a tool set, play-doh, etc.  She also loves all things crafty like coloring and painting.  Every other sentence out of her mouth is "wanna sit by me?" and she bounces back and forth between wanting to do everything "all. my. self." and wanting me to do it all for her.  The things she can do successfully by herself she wants me to do, and the things that she still can't do very well she wants to do "all. my. self."  Sigh.  Patience mama, patience. 

She has also been going through a phase of not wanting to leave the house. At all.  She says "just want to stay hoooooooome!"  She has been crying when we leave her at River City Kids (Sunday school) or clinging to my leg when we go places she thinks she might be staying alone.  It is super abnormal for her... my miss social.  I have no idea where it started or why... but I'm hoping it won't last.  It is painful for me.  Thankfully other than church and Exhale, there aren't many times that I would need to leave her anywhere.  The love of being a stay-at-home mama. 

Piper has been rolling around quite a bit.  She wants to see all the action (aka whatever Emberly is doing), so she cranes her head all over and often rolls over accidentally.  She laughs and smiles and has turned into such a chill little sweetheart.  She is cuddly and sweet and I just truly can't remember what life was like before two.  She babbles constantly and I hear lots of "da-da-da" and "ba-ba-ba" and other consonants.  And she sleeps like a champ.  Oh does she sleep like a champ.  3 naps a day and one big long sleep through the night.  Go little P!

Life is never dull.  I am often tired, but it's the kind of tired where you crawl into bed and fall asleep smiling about the little interactions of the day.  Well... not always.  But lots of the time.  Sometimes I fall asleep out of pure exhaustion.  And let's be honest, there are days that I just want to take a 3 week tropical vacation.  By myself.  But overall, I feel like I can see through the haze and know that this won't last.  And every single minute is so important.

Like this moment, where, tired as I am, I needed to document a moment of our lives so that I could remember later. 


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