She is a mostly smiley, always pat-a-caking, and cuddly cuddly baby. I cannot get over her cuddliness, as I just can't remember Emberly being like that. Piper puts her little head on my shoulder and wraps her little arms around me and just snuggles. She loves to rock and be held and this is mostly awesome. Except when there are other needs to be met. But, we manage. :)
Piper sits very well and seems to have no desire to be mobile. Yet. I can't say that I mind, and if she just held off on crawling until Jordan returned in a couple of months, that would be fine with me! She could sit and play with toys and watch Emberly all day. The tiniest little things that Emberly does make her laugh, but everyone else seems to have to work for those giggles and smiles. She loves her big sister.
Her nap schedule is just completely out of whack these days - sometimes she takes two good naps, other times 3 or even 4 short naps. But she consistently goes to bed between 7 and 8pm and sleeps until 7 or 8am. I wish I could say she's still sleeping through the night, but I think she's having a growth spurt and thinks she's desperately hungry once or even twice in the night suddenly! This mama is tired!
Oh well. I just hope it is a short season!
P is eating two meals of baby food and rice cereal each day and seems to prefer carrots, bananas, squash, and applesauce. She gags something terrible when I give her green beans or peas. And she's maneuvering Cheerios, puffs, and bits and pieces of other soft table foods into her mouth with awesome accuracy these days as well. So fun to watch. And so messy. I am relearning how to relax in that department again.
She wears 6-9 month clothes comfortably and I'd guess weighs somewhere around 17 pounds. She is a perfect little peanut. I absolutely cannot wait until it is nice enough to put her in the stroller sitting up so I don't have to lug the car seat in and out of each place we go! Come on, Spring!
This baby girl loves her daddy. He gets the BEST smiles from her and I know she will miss him coming home each day. So... I guess we will just be taking lots of pictures!
That's all for now on the Piper front!
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