Monday, July 21, 2014

Food, mess, clean up, repeat

Dear Life,

My life as a stay-at-home mom is many things. All kinds of awesome and rewarding while alternately being frustrating and draining, exhausting and overwhelming.

But today all I feel like I do is feed little people, clean up the mess (and there's always a lot, even with the most basic snack... seriously. How do these children make a 4 foot wide mess with dry crackers?!? And Lord forbid I give Piper avocado or black beans or fruit! Ok I'm off topic...) and then I repeat.

And these little people don't have very big tanks. So to avoid the hangries (hungry/angry)... we eat all day long. Or so it seems. Breakfast. Morning snack. Lunch. Afternoon snack. Dinner. Bedtime snack. Sleep. Repeat.

I'm losing it, people. I'm kind of asking for advice. But I'm realizing there may not be an easier solution... It's just kind of part of the job. But. If I'm wrong and you are thinking to yourself, "I wonder if she's tried..." Or, "she should feed them..." Blah blah blah. Tell me :) please. For the sake of my sanity.

That's all.

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