Dear Life,
I cannot believe that our dear Emberly is already 9 days old! It is all a bit of a blur in my mind already… so I figured I better quick write things out as I remember them before I lose them completely.
Here’s the story…
Apparently 9 months wasn’t long enough to be all cozy together. |
It was Tuesday, August 30th, and I was out running a few errands. I had just picked up a few ink cartridges for the printer and had my first experience telling the man at the shop who inquired about my due date that I was in fact “overdue.” I drove to the fabric store after that, thinking that I would occupy my mind by making a few hair flowers for our dear sweet baby on the way. My mom was nearby, and she met me there for a little shopping. I was feeling a little crampy, but nothing unusual while shopping. As we were leaving the store I told my mom that I wasn’t feeling well and that maybe I was hungry. She said, “maybe you’re in labor!” I laughed and thought “yeah right” and we decided we’d go eat at Olive Garden.
We ordered some pasta, enjoyed our meal, and stood up to leave at about 6:10. When we stood up to leave, my water broke. Yup, right there at Olive Garden. Praise the Lord it was not noticeable (I don’t think!)… we walked right out of the restaurant, got to our separate vehicles, and climbed in. I hadn’t said anything to my mom at this point, because I was still in shock and not entirely sure if I had just wet my pants or if my water broke. As my mom was about to back out I rolled down my window to get her attention and said, “uh… I’m pretty sure my water just broke.” Her reaction? “Are you serious?!” “Yup. Pretty serious.” She handed me a plastic bag to sit on, we drove home as I called Jordan at work, then grabbed my things and mom took me to the hospital. Jordan scurried to get cleared at work to meet us there.
When we got to the hospital, I wasn’t having any contractions, so they decided to start me on petocin to get things rolling. It was 9:30 at that point. By 10:30 I felt the contractions start kicking in, I was dilated to between a 4-5 by 12:30 at which point I got an oh so heavenly epidural, and was about to take a little nap when my blood pressure started dropping. They got me on some oxygen and all that jazz, and by about 4:30 I was able to start pushing. Dear baby Emberly was born at 6:08am. Two minutes short of 12 hours later.
- Oh, did I mention that Dr. Vetter was called just sightly on the late side? They said he’d get there in 15 minutes and it was almost 35. I had to stop pushing and wait for him. Let me just tell you in case you were curious, that if they tell you to stop pushing… It is not fun. Jordan tells me at one point that I just said “I’m pushing anyway!” Oh my. Apparently labor does funny things to your politeness.
Anyway… all that is in the past now and we are clumsily learning this parenting thing. Who knew that a newborn that can only eat, sleep, burp, poop, pee, and cry could be so complicated? Even still… we think she does those things cuter than any newborn around and are so proud of each of those feats.

We learn a little more each day. Today we are marveling over what a truly incredible amount of laundry a small bambino can go through in a short amount of time. I better learn to start loving laundry quick!
And now, I must sign out, as our sweet Emberly has decided this would be a good time to nap. Therefore, I have decided this would be a good time to nap too.
Yours Truly,
P.S. If you have called and/or texted me and I have not returned your call/text, please don’t take it personally. Yesterday I am pretty sure I forgot how to back our car out of the driveway temporarily, and I catch myself wandering around having no idea what I started doing. I think I lost a few brain cells in the delivery room.
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