Monday, September 19, 2011


- It is impossible to get ANYTHING done when you have a cute, smushy, cuddly baby to hold. Today, however, I discovered the wonderfulness of a Moby Wrap. Heavenly. If you have a cute, smushy, cuddly baby, you need one of these.
- Boppy pillows are the best invention ever.

- I LOVE love LOVE cloth diapers. It brings a smile to my face each and every time I put one on Emberly. I secretly think she is also smiling as I put one on her (often disguised by fussing and crying…).

- It is possible to be very sick of sweet lullabies in a matter of 2+ weeks. Today I purchased a new CD thanks to the recommendation of a dear friend. Hopefully alternating between the two (for now) will help.

- I am terrible at using a nursing cover, therefore do not plan on leaving the house ever. Well… ok, I will eventually have to leave the house, but it will be strategically planned for a time with a full tummied baby.

- I may never get thank-you notes written for the wonderful gifts we received at the hospital and once arriving home. So if you gave us a gift… THANKS! :) (Just kidding… kind of…)

- I get super excited for packages in the mail from WAY excited.

- Burp rags are now a part of my wardrobe and Emberly only spits up when I forget to wear one.

- When Emberly cries and I can’t calm her, it makes me want to join in the crying party.

- Baby lotion smells good for the parents.

- I have NO idea how parents of multiple children stay sane, or awake for that matter.

- Cute baby clothes were invented to make parents poor. Not only can they only wear them for a few weeks, but they prefer diaper butts anyway.

- I cannot imagine thinking about going back to school in 3 weeks. I am so very thankful that my gracious and loving husband is allowing me to be at home for the school year and providing for our family.

- Cloth diaper blogs are totally addicting to read. ( is my favorite!)

- I will never be caught up on laundry ever again.

- I love being a mom and I pray every day that Emberly will turn out ok in spite of all of the things I mess up as I try to figure out what I'm doing. :)

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