Maybe you'll laugh... but one of the things baby-wise that I'm most terrified to do is clip Emberly's fingernails. I'm not kidding. They're just so tiny and she's so wiggly and I oh-so-accidentally clipped her poor little finger once and she cried and cried and cried and cried. I felt all kinds of terrible.
So... if I can somehow manage to leave her with her Grandma for an hour or two and conveniently slip the fingernail clipper in the diaper bag and drop an (oh-so-subtle) hint that her fingernails are really long... sometimes she comes home with freshly cut fingernails and I didn't have to stress over the process. (Genius, right?) :)
Today, however, Emberly had given herself quite a gash on the nose from her sharp little fingernails, so I knew I had put off cutting her fingernails long enough. Grandma was not around (I checked). I had to do it myself.
So, my friends, I took that fingernail clipper out, opened the blinds for optimal lighting, and I cut those teeny tiny little fingernails. Each and every one. And I didn't even get her finger this time. Sigh.Of.Relief. Phew!
Yours Truly,
PS - Just in case you were wondering, my sweet sleeps-through-the-night baby stopped sleeping through the night. She was waking up 2 or 3 times and wanting to nurse for a very long time (for it being the middle of the night and all). It happened about the same time I tried stretching her out during the day by setting up a feeding schedule. SO... I quit. Yesterday she ate whenever she got hungry. Sometimes it was every two hours, sometimes it was 4. Yup. And last night, baby girl only woke up once and went right back to sleep. Is this related, or am I making it up? Someone experienced, please feel free to offer experience. Do I just need to tough it out? Oh - on another related note, my I-took-a-bottle-like-a-champ-the-first-time baby will absolutely not drink out of a bottle anymore either. Gee whiz. Are we regressing??
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