Um... how in the world did it get to be December 15th without me noticing?! I'm a little behind in seemingly every aspect of my life it feels like...
(Intermission - Crying baby)
Ok... where was I? I think I was filling you in on the craziness that is our lives these days. I will try to do an abreviated version.
We had the honor of introducing our sweet Emberly to my 92-year-old great grandma two weekends ago. It was an absolutely special time. Grandma Clara even asked if she could hold Emberly. It was so sweet.
Emberly had her second play-date with her friend Harper who is just 8 weeks older than Emberly. (Mind you, she had no idea it was a play-date, and slept through the entire first one, and most of the second one. We'll work on manners later...) It was so fun to see how much more Harper is doing at just 8 weeks older. I think my favorite moment though, was when Harper started crying, and Emberly just looked at her and started right in on the crying too. Ha. Goofy girl. (Um... notice how Emberly is pretty much the same size as Harper? Yeah. 8 weeks younger. Yikes!)
We also went to lunch with my Westside first grade teacher friends. It reminded me how much I missed school. School, mind you... not the craziness of firsties right before Christmas. :)
What else? Oh! Jordan and I decided to plough into our basement bathroom and change the nasty flooring into something slightly more our style. We also took out the nasty mirror/medicine chest-ish thing and put a flat mirror in, and took out the countertop and changed that too. We LOVE the final result:
Before & After
We also got to spend some time with Grandma Tracie when she was in town, I brought dinner to the Perry Center with some ladies that I go to a mom's group with, I hosted a baby shower for my sweet sister-in-law who is due at the end of January (cannot wait!), we got together with two couples for dinner on two occasions, we took dinner and dessert to our Missional Community we are a part of through our church, I have been teaching River City Kids (preschoolers at church) on Sunday mornings, I have been working on making Christmas gifts... and the list goes on and on. Yesterday I took the day off from "stuff" and Emberly and I just cuddled and talked and played. It was much needed. Sometimes it is easy to lose sight of what is important in life. I love people and I love to help other people, but if my family is suffering because of it, I have my priorities out of order.
So - here is to a fresh start. I know it could be so easy to be consumed by our culture's idea of Christmas and the craziness of the season these next two weeks. I often measure my worth and success by what I am doing and how clean my house is and all of the extras. However, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of a precious baby, born in a manger, that came to save you and me from our sinfullness that we deal with each and every day. The sin in our lives that places us and our importance over the importance of our Savior, whether we do this consciously or not. Thank goodness for Grace.
AND... at the risk of this getting all too long, I'll give you a brief Emberly update:
1. Emberly has decided that sucking on her hand is the bomb-diggity. She very consistently gets it into her mouth now, unless she's tired. She even likes to try to suck on her hand while nursing. This does not work the best.
2. She wakes up happy 99.9% of the time. Love, love, love!
4. She is wearing 9 month clothes. Yes. My 3 1/2 month old.
5. She loves to talk and coo and has THE.BEST. giggle ever.
6. She loves the bath. It works as a great distraction if she is a tish on the crabby side.
7. She looks in the mirror and smiles at herself and it's probably the cutest thing ever.
8. If I had a dollar for every person that told me, "She must look like your husband because I can't even tell she's your daughter!" or "Wow does she ever look like Jordan!" I would be rich.
That's all for now. (That's plenty for now, isn't it?)
Yours Truly,
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