I have been feeling sooo much better this week. Like someone switched a light switch at 14 weeks different. I still have to eat all the time, and I don't feel good in the middle of the night if I have to get up with Emberly... but it is manageable. Compared to my puking any time any where phase, I will take this any time.
I did let myself go a little too long without eating tonight though and ended up puking while driving home. Oops. Pulled off onto a side street and just puked right out my car door at a stop sign. How's that for lady like? Not.
Anywho... I felt good enough to skip my afternoon nap while Em napped today and worked on a sewing project I started months ago. I was making a blanket for Emberly out of minkee fabric and fleece. A friend of mine from college made Em one before she was born and it is her all-time-favorite "nigh nigh" - so much so that it is hard to sneak away and wash. So I decided to make one... except I have nowhere near the sewing skills she does! Ha. But I think it turned out ok. Especially since Em doesn't have a very critical sewing eye.
What do you think? I still have to top stitch and tie it, but that is for another nap. Maybe tomorrow if I have another good day. Tonight instead of finishing it I took a hot bath and ate cheesecake after tucking Em into bed. It was all kinds of pregnant lovely.
Oh and guess what else is lovely? Jordan and I decided to go on a "babymoon" or "anniversary" trip (our anniversary is not until August, but we will have a fresh new baby then). So after lots of looking and debating (and figuring out what we could afford) we decided we'd go to Orlando for a week in February and we booked tickets this morning! Thanks to some awesome military deals we can afford it and not break the bank, and we even get to go to Disney World a couple of days, which I've been begging Jordan to do for years! Sooo excited. And slightly terrified to leave Emberly. We are going to be gone just under 5 total days, and Em will get to be loved on by my mom for 2 days and 2 nights, and by Jordan's mom for 2 nights and 2 days. Tell me it's going to be ok and I'm going to have fun. Please. Because well, Em and I have been kinda inseparable since day one.
Hmm. I think that's all in the world of updates and baby and travel and sewing and fun. Weekends just go way too fast. That's all!
Sincerely Yours,
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