Saturday, January 26, 2013


I love Saturdays. It's 9am and I'm still laying in bed under my cozy covers just waiting for sweet Em to wake up. Have I mentioned that I love that she sleeps in almost every day, even though I'm not home 5/7 days a week to benefit from it? It makes Saturdays all the more awesome.

So here I am Pinterest searching Valentine ideas because, well, I secretly love Valentine's day. Jordan and I will be in Orlando, FL this valentine's day, and though I'm obviously excited about that, I am just a tish bit sad I won't be home to give my sweet Emberly pink food colored milk and cut her toast into a heart shape like my mama did for me when I was growing up. Funny how that is one of my favorite happy feel good memories. I would just giggle with delight when my mom would pour the milk over our cereal from the carton and it was... pink! She had taken one extra moment to sneak into the kitchen before breakfast just so it was ready. And we were always surprised. And it always made my day. :)

Do you think other mamas dream about when their children are old enough to have you pack their lunch for school just so you can slip little treats in their lunchbox? I totally do. Maybe I'm strange. I also dream about homeschooling my kiddos through k, 1, 2ish and all of the fun little things we will do to make it special and memorable and fun. Like planning a valentine party with a whole day of hearts and chocolate and talking about love and how much Jesus loves us and how that is the reason we can even celebrate love? My teacher brain goes all crazy planner mode and I think about all the stuff I would love to do in the classroom but will never be able to because there are too many kids, too few supplies, and too many restrictions. It's sad, but then I hope I can just lavish that love on my own kiddos. Makes me want more than two!

Sigh. Well this bossy baby in my tummy says it is time to sneak out of bed and find some breakfast. I was dreaming about donuts right before I woke up and now I want an apple fritter in the worst way... but alas, no apple fritters in this house. Guess i'll settle for a homemade bun with peanut butter on it. That sounds yummy too.

Happy Saturday!

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