Dear Life,
Once upon a time (approximately a week and two days ago) there was a man and his wife celebrating the husband's birthday by going to their 20 week ultrasound. They were pretty excited to find out if baby was a boy or a girl. What a fun gift on your birthday, right? Well the wife was pretty convinced that baby was a boy. The husband was *100%* sure that baby was a girl. But of course neither one of them knew a snitch more than the other.
So they went to the ultrasound and watched with awe as their little bambino moved all around in the mama's tummy, curled up in a little ball on their tummy with their legs all tucked under their little torso. It was pretty cute, but doesn't so much lend itself to find out out gender if you know what I mean.
So the ultrasound tech shook mama's belly and tried to make baby squirm a little and eventually got a nice "shot" as she said. Then she wrote the magical words on a piece of paper and sealed it in an envelope and sent the mama and daddy on their way home.
Once in the car, the husband said "let's open it!" It wasn't that they didn't want to know... they really really wanted to know, but they wanted to have the moment all by themselves. So they opened the fancy little envelope to find fancy pink letters exclaiming "It's a girl!"
They both let out a squeal of excitement. (Please don't misunderstand... because it would have been equally as exciting had the words been blue... but that moment is so special and fun because you get to "meet" baby and "know" baby and "feel" baby in a whole new way. It's like a magical bond that you get to share while baby is still incubating.)
And then they quickly backed out of their parking spot with all kinds of squealing and hurried excitement to go get big sister. Except the man driving the car directly behind them just so happened to also be backing his car out of his parking spot at the exact same moment and... well... oops.
{Pause excitement. Freezing cold. Check out the bumpers. Check out the damage. Lament over the fact that there was an accident. Be thankful for the fact that we have insurance.}
And resume cheering for husband's birthday and baby's life!
Sincerely Yours,
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Kinder Quote
Kinder student: Hey Mrs. Wobbema, you smell like my Grandma Tracie.
Me: Um... thanks. What does your grandma smell like?
Kinder student: Well... like a grandma.
Me: Um... thanks. What does your grandma smell like?
Kinder student: Well... like a grandma.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Gender Reveal Party!
Welcome to my Gender Reveal Party! Bet you didn't even know you were invited... but alas, here you are! :)
Life totally just "happened" this week. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say... it was busy. I am about 65 different kinds of tired on this lovely Friday morning. I had every intention of doing something fun and crafty for a little gender reveal party... if nothing else we could open a box of balloons that were pink or blue, or bite into a tasty cupcake with blue or pink frosting, or send out a little fun scratch card with baby's gender underneath...
But like I said... life happened!
So here we are, at my gender-reveal-blog-o-party fun. Aren't you excited?? You have a very important mission, and that is to decide whether you think Baby Wobbema 2.0 is a boy or a girl. (Please humor me and play along... I am pregnant afterall, and I may just cry if you don't.)
So grab a soda...
Maybe a cupcake or two...
Take in all of my fancy decorations...
(Hey... it's the internet, it doesn't have to be realistic...)
And make your guess!
Oh... and just in case you don't like to make uninformed guesses, here are some old wives tales to help you decide...
Is baby's heart beat above or below 140?
Is your skin soft or dry?
Did you have morning sickness? yes or no?
Are you moody or happy?
Do you crave sweet or salty?
Do you sleep on your right or left side?
Do you have more headaches? no or yes?
Does the Chinese Gender prediction chart say girl or boy?
So now...
Read the cake, and vote!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
x-rays and ultrasounds and birthdays
We had a big day yesterday. It was Jordan's birthday, we had our OB ultrasound (yes, we do know baby's gender! more later...), we got into a minor parking lot car accident immediately following our ultrasound, we had dinner with my parents to celebrate Jordan's birthday and to have a little baby gender reveal, and Emberly fell down the bottom two stairs on our staircase and injured her foot.
So my sweet Emberly, who has never been to the doctor for anything other than well baby check-ups has now been to the walk-in twice in the past two weeks. Two weeks ago for a temp of 103.5, and again today because she was still not wanting to walk on her foot, tipping over from her balance being off because she was favoring her other foot, and crawling whenever she wanted to go anywhere of any distance at all. Makes a mama worried enough to just find out!
So after nap today I took her in. Jordan was at work, so my mom graciously offered to come with me, and boy am I glad she did. I never thought about the fact that if we needed an x-ray I couldn't stand with her because of my prego belly.
Em was a total trooper. She wasn't afraid of the doctor or the x-ray, and was just as chill as can be. I still can't even quite believe it went as smoothly as it did. The x-ray lab people said that they had never had such a peaceful x-ray of a bambino Emberly's age. Usually they are screaming in fear (and pain) and all the strange-ness. It was a total God-thing.
And Em's foot is just fine. Bruised most likely, but not a fracture. It feels good to just know. So we just keep an eye on her for the next 10 days or so and make sure it doesn't get worse, and hope she returns to her normal walking/running self soon.
Here is my chill baby during the x-ray with grandma... it seemed a little weird to take a picture, but I was just standing behind the wall all helpless, so I figured capturing the moment was ok. Em kept saying "nigh-night" when they covered her up with the radiation blanket thingie and before they pushed the button the lab person said, "ready?" and em said "go!" Yup. She's adorable. NBD.

oh and what's that you say? you want to know if baby in my tummy is a boy baby or girl baby? well... you have to wait and find out! more in the next few days... aren't I mean? :)
So my sweet Emberly, who has never been to the doctor for anything other than well baby check-ups has now been to the walk-in twice in the past two weeks. Two weeks ago for a temp of 103.5, and again today because she was still not wanting to walk on her foot, tipping over from her balance being off because she was favoring her other foot, and crawling whenever she wanted to go anywhere of any distance at all. Makes a mama worried enough to just find out!
So after nap today I took her in. Jordan was at work, so my mom graciously offered to come with me, and boy am I glad she did. I never thought about the fact that if we needed an x-ray I couldn't stand with her because of my prego belly.
Em was a total trooper. She wasn't afraid of the doctor or the x-ray, and was just as chill as can be. I still can't even quite believe it went as smoothly as it did. The x-ray lab people said that they had never had such a peaceful x-ray of a bambino Emberly's age. Usually they are screaming in fear (and pain) and all the strange-ness. It was a total God-thing.
And Em's foot is just fine. Bruised most likely, but not a fracture. It feels good to just know. So we just keep an eye on her for the next 10 days or so and make sure it doesn't get worse, and hope she returns to her normal walking/running self soon.
Here is my chill baby during the x-ray with grandma... it seemed a little weird to take a picture, but I was just standing behind the wall all helpless, so I figured capturing the moment was ok. Em kept saying "nigh-night" when they covered her up with the radiation blanket thingie and before they pushed the button the lab person said, "ready?" and em said "go!" Yup. She's adorable. NBD.
oh and what's that you say? you want to know if baby in my tummy is a boy baby or girl baby? well... you have to wait and find out! more in the next few days... aren't I mean? :)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Emberly asked to sleep with her soft baby doll tonight, and considering she already sleeps with her teddy, two small blankets, one big blanket, and a pillow... I figured, "what would it hurt?"
But now that she's been in her crib 45 or so minutes and all I've been hearing/seeing on the monitor is her rocking her baby to sleep, singing to her baby, and tucking her baby under the blankets, I may have to reconsider tomorrow. :) It is about 35 kinds of adorable though, not gonna lie.
But now that she's been in her crib 45 or so minutes and all I've been hearing/seeing on the monitor is her rocking her baby to sleep, singing to her baby, and tucking her baby under the blankets, I may have to reconsider tomorrow. :) It is about 35 kinds of adorable though, not gonna lie.
Friday, February 15, 2013
We did it. We went on vacation. It was oh-so-lovely. Disney was great and all, but 80+ degree weather and sleeping in and swimming and hot tubs in the rain and solo time with Jordan were the highlights.
And thank you modern technology for FaceTime so I could see sweet Emberly's little face each day. I didn't doubt she was having a blast with both of her grandmas, but it just felt good to see her smiling face and know she didn't even miss us.
I did miss her, but was pleasantly surprised at how nice it felt to just be taking care of myself for a change. Plus I'm kind of in love with that guy I married, and it felt good to just be the uninterrupted two of us.
And now we are on the Florida city bus heading to the airport. It will be a long day of travel, with the sweet little prize of having Em in my arms when we get home. And can I just say I'm kinda excited to sleep in my own bed again too?

And thank you modern technology for FaceTime so I could see sweet Emberly's little face each day. I didn't doubt she was having a blast with both of her grandmas, but it just felt good to see her smiling face and know she didn't even miss us.
I did miss her, but was pleasantly surprised at how nice it felt to just be taking care of myself for a change. Plus I'm kind of in love with that guy I married, and it felt good to just be the uninterrupted two of us.
And now we are on the Florida city bus heading to the airport. It will be a long day of travel, with the sweet little prize of having Em in my arms when we get home. And can I just say I'm kinda excited to sleep in my own bed again too?
Monday, February 11, 2013
On a jet plane...
We are supposed to be leaving for Florida today... but schools are cancelled and we are kind of in the middle of a blizzard. Our plane doesn't leave until 5pm, so I've been praying, hoping, and wishing for Fargo to pull itself together before then.
Just in case you wanted to know, the high in Orlando today is 84. No big deal.
So here I am, wide awake at 7:15 and laying in bed hitting the refresh button on the Hector International Airport website to see when they'll start flying out again today. It is looking hopeful. Maybe this is a glorious blessing in disguise, because instead of feeling worried about leaving my sweet bambino for the first time, I'm just feeling desperate to have the option to leave! :)
(Even though I'll miss this little one something terrible!)

Just in case you wanted to know, the high in Orlando today is 84. No big deal.
So here I am, wide awake at 7:15 and laying in bed hitting the refresh button on the Hector International Airport website to see when they'll start flying out again today. It is looking hopeful. Maybe this is a glorious blessing in disguise, because instead of feeling worried about leaving my sweet bambino for the first time, I'm just feeling desperate to have the option to leave! :)
(Even though I'll miss this little one something terrible!)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Is it bedtime yet?
Em's been running a temp since Monday night, but nothing majorly impressive - in the 101's and totally controllable with Tylenol. She slept "ok" on Monday night, but last night we were up more than we were down. At 5:00am when Jordan went in there to see what was ailing our sweet child he took her temperature and discovered she was at 103.5 under the arm. Yikes!
I don't know at what point you start to be worried about high temperatures, but this was the point we decided we were worried enough to go in, so we packed up and headed in. Bless Emberly's little heart she was as sweet as a button and just blabbed and cuddled and cooed the whole time (minus anything having to do with a doctor or nurse).
No ear infections. Slightly red throat. And directions to alternate Ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours later, we were home and all three of us tucked back into bed.
Now it's 10:00am and Em is just starting to make a little noise. I've been awake since 9:15 trying to appease the baby in my belly with some food, but sure don't feel functional. Maybe Em will take a nice long nap later today too.
As far as first ever trips to the walk-in clinic with Em go, it could have been a lot worse. Feeling super thankful for that.
P.S. Jordan and I totally thought we were being all calm and organized for being so disoriented and tired until we got home and realized that one of us turned on our clean dishwasher before we left... still not sure which one of us it was...
I don't know at what point you start to be worried about high temperatures, but this was the point we decided we were worried enough to go in, so we packed up and headed in. Bless Emberly's little heart she was as sweet as a button and just blabbed and cuddled and cooed the whole time (minus anything having to do with a doctor or nurse).
No ear infections. Slightly red throat. And directions to alternate Ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours later, we were home and all three of us tucked back into bed.
Now it's 10:00am and Em is just starting to make a little noise. I've been awake since 9:15 trying to appease the baby in my belly with some food, but sure don't feel functional. Maybe Em will take a nice long nap later today too.
As far as first ever trips to the walk-in clinic with Em go, it could have been a lot worse. Feeling super thankful for that.
P.S. Jordan and I totally thought we were being all calm and organized for being so disoriented and tired until we got home and realized that one of us turned on our clean dishwasher before we left... still not sure which one of us it was...
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
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