Welcome to my Gender Reveal Party! Bet you didn't even know you were invited... but alas, here you are! :)
Life totally just "happened" this week. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say... it was busy. I am about 65 different kinds of tired on this lovely Friday morning. I had every intention of doing something fun and crafty for a little gender reveal party... if nothing else we could open a box of balloons that were pink or blue, or bite into a tasty cupcake with blue or pink frosting, or send out a little fun scratch card with baby's gender underneath...
But like I said... life happened!
So here we are, at my gender-reveal-blog-o-party fun. Aren't you excited?? You have a very important mission, and that is to decide whether you think Baby Wobbema 2.0 is a boy or a girl. (Please humor me and play along... I am pregnant afterall, and I may just cry if you don't.)
So grab a soda...
Maybe a cupcake or two...
Take in all of my fancy decorations...
(Hey... it's the internet, it doesn't have to be realistic...)
And make your guess!
Oh... and just in case you don't like to make uninformed guesses, here are some old wives tales to help you decide...
Is baby's heart beat above or below 140?
Is your skin soft or dry?
Did you have morning sickness? yes or no?
Are you moody or happy?
Do you crave sweet or salty?
Do you sleep on your right or left side?
Do you have more headaches? no or yes?
Does the Chinese Gender prediction chart say girl or boy?
So now...
Read the cake, and vote!
My vote: girl!