Wednesday, February 20, 2013

x-rays and ultrasounds and birthdays

We had a big day yesterday. It was Jordan's birthday, we had our OB ultrasound (yes, we do know baby's gender! more later...), we got into a minor parking lot car accident immediately following our ultrasound, we had dinner with my parents to celebrate Jordan's birthday and to have a little baby gender reveal, and Emberly fell down the bottom two stairs on our staircase and injured her foot.

So my sweet Emberly, who has never been to the doctor for anything other than well baby check-ups has now been to the walk-in twice in the past two weeks. Two weeks ago for a temp of 103.5, and again today because she was still not wanting to walk on her foot, tipping over from her balance being off because she was favoring her other foot, and crawling whenever she wanted to go anywhere of any distance at all. Makes a mama worried enough to just find out!

So after nap today I took her in. Jordan was at work, so my mom graciously offered to come with me, and boy am I glad she did. I never thought about the fact that if we needed an x-ray I couldn't stand with her because of my prego belly.

Em was a total trooper. She wasn't afraid of the doctor or the x-ray, and was just as chill as can be. I still can't even quite believe it went as smoothly as it did. The x-ray lab people said that they had never had such a peaceful x-ray of a bambino Emberly's age. Usually they are screaming in fear (and pain) and all the strange-ness. It was a total God-thing.

And Em's foot is just fine. Bruised most likely, but not a fracture. It feels good to just know. So we just keep an eye on her for the next 10 days or so and make sure it doesn't get worse, and hope she returns to her normal walking/running self soon.

Here is my chill baby during the x-ray with grandma... it seemed a little weird to take a picture, but I was just standing behind the wall all helpless, so I figured capturing the moment was ok. Em kept saying "nigh-night" when they covered her up with the radiation blanket thingie and before they pushed the button the lab person said, "ready?" and em said "go!" Yup. She's adorable. NBD.

oh and what's that you say? you want to know if baby in my tummy is a boy baby or girl baby? well... you have to wait and find out! more in the next few days... aren't I mean? :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes! You are mean!!! Miss you! One day you'll be glad you have that pix and this Em story documented. :)
