Now normally I wouldn't remember a blogiversary, but the reason I do is because today is our 5th wedding anniversary, and I started writing on our second. We were at this adorable little bed and breakfast in MN. I was as pregnant as all get out, just waiting for Emberly to make her appearance into the world. Impatiently waiting. And life felt so slow. Just kind of leisurely crawling along. Relaxed even.
And then there's today. I don't remember what slow even feels like. We have two amazing little girls who bring everything but leisure to our lives. We are in transition as Jordan is completing the necessary steps to become a UAV pilot. We are in the middle of the second 8-week stretch of him being away while the girls and I hold down the fort at home. We are anticipating a move to Texas and New Mexico for the next almost year. I've resigned as a classroom teacher twice so that I could be at home with the girls... and started wearing a mom, wife, teacher, cook, driver, nurse, and maid hat in its place.
Sometimes it is easy to forget my initial role as a wife as I cling to the desire to offer the best for my children, but I'm reminded again and again why the Lord desires my husband be first in my heart (after the Lord). It is a daily struggle, especially while Jordan is away and then returns. But when life is uncomfortable and change is inevitable, I can see the Lord working sometimes more visibly than when we seem to be stuck. Wrenching my own desires out of my hands and replacing them with His best. Best I don't deserve, but am offered every day.
And on days that our lives seem to be stuck on home repairs and planting grass and doing laundry and feeding little mouths... I am more convinced there is nobody else in the whole wide world I'd rather be doing this with. Fighting with. Moving with. Parenting with. Playing with. Disagreeing with. Creating with. Learning with. Just doing life with.
Only for this man would I wake up at 4am and hop on an airplane to Pueblo, CO for a whirlwind weekend of being together. Seriously. There are FOUR people on my connection flight to Pueblo. The size of the plane is appropriate to the number of people on board. We are just about to take off and I'm just a little nervous (and/or petrified). Jordan is convinced he will take me flying once he gets his pilot license when this is all said and done. And I am absolutely convinced of the opposite. For the record.
So five years. It feels kinda like a big deal. There is this little part of me that feels like we should be proud. And yet, there is no part of this marriage that is held together by us. It is through prayer and more prayer that we are where we are. Thank you Lord, for bringing us through so much in so little. And as we keep moving forward, our prayer is that we only hold tightly to the fact that He is in control and we are not.
{PS - Apparently we need to take more pictures, as this ridiculous one of us 4-wheeling is the only one I could find in 1000 pictures of our photo stream...}
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