Do you wonder what really pregnant people do while waiting for the arrival of their new bambino? Let me tell you…
1. Eat spicy food. (This last week we have had tacos, buffalo chicken, spicy Cajun chicken pasta, enchiladas, and chicken tortilla soup). If eating spicy food truly put you in labor, we would have a baby by now.
2. Walk. A lot. (Let’s face it, laying down is no longer comfortable, running has never been comfortable in my entire life, and if I sit still too long my back hurts… so walking it is! We have been walking around the neighborhood, to the grocery store, to the Dairy Queen
3. Nap. (This may be a time passer… but I am also tired ALL of the time. It’s amazingly wonderful to crawl under the covers and fall asleep with the windows open in the middle of the afternoon.) I don’t believe there are any old wives tales about napping bringing on labor… but if there were, that would be awesome.
4. Clean. (I have this paranoia that the one time I leave dishes by the sink or get the slightest bit behind on laundry is the moment my water will break or I’ll start contracting. I may be the crazy lady that is washing dishes or cleaning the bathroom mirror before we can leave for the hospital if there are things left undone…)
5. Enjoy a bit of pampering. (True confession: I called Dr. Vetter’s office on Friday to see if he had any other available appointment times for Monday other than my 2:30 appointment because Jordan works on Monday at 3:00 and I want him to be there. The lady on the phone was rather short with me, they had no appointments available, and I hung up the phone and sobbed for 20 or so minutes. Whoa. True emotional breakdown for no apparent reason! After talking to Jesus and then pulling myself together, I made a manicure appointment, because, who doesn’t feel better after a little pampering?? THEN… I remembered my dear friend Jaimie offered to help me in any way she could to make this last week of pregnancy more comfortable, and I decided to “let” her help me by coloring my hair. Pays to have a best friend who happens to be an amazing hair stylist! Plus, we had the most refreshing conversation. It was truly good for my soul.)
And finally… 6. Have way too much fun doing silly things. (Last week we went mini-golfing just because. We bought a croquet set for our backyard. Jordan took me shopping to buy me an ultra-soft blanket for cozy time with Baby because he thought I deserved a blanket too, not just baby. We have been listening to loud music in the car and singing loudly and maybe slightly off key with the windows down. And my all-time favorite (pictured below) was our date last night where we set up the tent in the backyard and watched the stars, had a campfire and made dessert and pizza tonka pies and s’mores. Pure bliss.)

I’m not yet sure what post due date pregnant people do yet… but I’ll find out tomorrow if this baby is not here yet. Today I’m not feeling desperate to have this baby. I am having lots of fun enjoying time with my husband, being at home, making new friends, and spending time with old friends. Do I still feel a little bit like a time bomb? Definitely. Am I so over being pregnant? For sure. But I can say without fibbing even a little that I’m loving life right now. I won’t let the devil trick me into discontent. God’s timing for meeting this baby is perfect, and I can believe it with my heart, body, mind, and soul.
Yours Truly,
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