Today is August 8th. Just in case you stopped counting, that is 21 days, or 3 weeks from my due date (August 29). That is exciting news! However, based on the dates we told our doctor about when the pregnancy test became positive and all that jazz, our original due date was August 12. (He changed it after our 20 week ultrasound, saying that baby was measuring about 17 weeks.) But just in case you weren’t doing the math, August 12 just so happens to be this Friday. SO… I guess baby could come “early”. That’d be kind of fun!
This week I am feeling the urge to get things really ready in our house. I need to order the cloth diapers, pack my hospital bag, finish up the laundry, do some cleaning, organize baby’s closet and the office, finish making the extra crib sheets, and wash baby’s bedding and clothing. Jordan is planning on finishing our deck and cleaning/organizing the garage. He is also thinking he’ll finish sealing up the windows and some other odds and ends. I also have a baby shower, thrown by my dear friend Jaimie, tomorrow. There are just so many fun things coming up. Life feels right.
So Baby, we’re getting ready for you! Come any time!
Yours Truly,
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