Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dear Baby

Dear Baby in my Belly,

We have been inseparable for almost 9 months now. Can you believe it? I found out about you on December 16th (8 months and 1 day ago). It was a Thursday, and your dad and I were sitting in the basement watching TV and folding laundry that had accumulated to a ridiculous proportion. After the pregnancy test showed positive, we were ecstatic, and a little shocked, but so looking forward to the hope of you. We knew that God had knit you together in my womb and was creating you with such precision and perfection that only the Creator of the Universe could. Did you know that He knows everything about you already? He knows what color your eyes are, what color your hair is, if you’ll have your daddy’s skin or mommy’s (I’m sorry if it’s mine!), what you’ll be when you grow up, who your first grade teacher will be, where you’ll live at each stage of your life, who/if you’ll marry, and EVERY other piece of your life. I can’t wait to meet you! I just know that as the Lord’s creation, you will be perfect in every way.

Your dad and I brainstormed the best way to tell people in our lives about you, hoping we’d be able to keep you a secret for awhile. We wanted to just have you, our little secret, to keep between ourselves. After about two hours, however, I got a terrible case of what I believe was food poisoning, and got sick continuously through the night. The next morning I called your Grandma, my mom, to get some advice and motherly love as I was feeling so miserable. She stopped by after she got off of work that day, and I just HAD to tell her about you! Not only am I terrible at keeping secrets, but I wanted to make sure that my sickness wasn’t hurting you in any way. She was ecstatic, and we had to call your Grandpa and trick him into coming over after work so we could tell him too. They were the first to know about you, only one day after your dad and I did. We had to wait about a week to tell your Uncle Mike in person as soon as he came home from Colorado for his Christmas break from dental school.

We saved our little secret a few more weeks until Christmas so we could tell your dad’s side of the family in person. It was REALLY hard, because your Auntie Kendra and Cousin Hadley rode to Bismarck with us to your Grandma and Grandpa Wobbema’s house. Your Auntie Kendra asked me at one point, “So Molly, when are you guys going to start having kids?!” I think I turned about as red as a tomato, but managed to switch the subject enough to avoid the question. Phew! We told everyone the next day once everyone had arrived, and they were super excited about you too!

And now, only 9 months later, you’re soon to make your grand entrance into the world. I have mixed emotions… I am SO excited to meet you and hold you and be your mom. I am also nervous… knowing that I can never protect you in the same way I can while you’re safely tucked in my belly. I already love you more than you could ever imagine, and your dad and I pray for you every day. We pray that you’ll love the Lord more than anything or anyone else on this earth. We pray that you’ll love others, graciously giving of yourself, your time, and your talents. We pray for your safety. We pray for your future husband. We pray for your heart. We pray that in spite of our imperfections, you’ll see Christ in the things we do.

Have I mentioned, little one, that I cannot wait to meet you? Today, August 17th, doesn’t look like it will be the day, but I know that as each day passes and you haven’t yet arrived, we are one day closer.
I love you.

Your Mom

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