Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Diaper Detergent

I've been using Rockin' Green laundry detergent for my cloth diapers since we've started cloth diapering and have had zero complaints. Our diapers have gotten clean, I haven't had many stink or buildup issues (or at least more than the average cloth diaper user), so I wasn't actively looking for a different solution. However, another cloth diapering mama friend of mine visited me awhile back and told me she makes her own detergent for pennies per wash. Way less than Rockin' Green. So I gave it a try. I've been using homemade detergent for the past 10 or so diaper loads and have had fresh smelling clean diapers!

I've literally asked her to resend me the recipe probably four or five times thanks to my disorganized life as of late... so I'm documenting in a place I can't lose it! Maybe you'd like a homemade detergent too... even if you don't wash cloth diaps!

22 oz. washing soda
7.5 oz. baking soda
8 oz. oxyclean free

The oxyclean free was $8 I believe for 3 lbs, so kinda spendy upfront, but you can make 6 recipes out of one tub. That means $1.30ish per recipe. Not bad! Baking soda is $1 for 16 ounces, so $0.50 per recipe, and the washing soda is $4 for 55 ounces, therefore $1.60ish per recipe.

Bottom line:

Homemade: $3.40
Makes 74 Tbsp. I use 2-3 Tbsp per load in my top loader. This washes 25-37 loads.
$0.14 per load on the lowest end.

Rockin' Green: $14.95.
Washes 45 loads with 2 Tbsp.
$0.33 per load.

Here is a picture in case you like to know what you're looking for!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Emberly's Words

Emberly has SO much language.  I cannot even count/note all of the words she knows because it is literally growing every day.  Every once in awhile we'll be reading books or looking at something and E will announce a new word that we didn't even know she knew.  Last night we were reading and she pointed to a fish and said, "fsh."  :)  Jordan and I looked at each other with surprise... we had no idea she could say that!  Makes my mama heart proud.  Just for fun to look at someday... here is a list of some of the words E says and signs on a daily basis...

- "neigh" for a horse
- "moo" for a cow
- "baa" for a sheep
- moon
- mama
- dada
- papa
- nana
- duck
- nigh-nigh
- up
- help
- ball
- bath
- cheese
- "nana" (for banana)
- all done
- honey
- teddy
- book
- more
- snack

Sign Language:
- more
- eat
- banana
- all done
- diaper
- bird
- fish
- cat
- dog
- horse
- drink
- milk
- train
- airplane
- car
- please
- thank you
- sorry
- shoes
- socks
- sleep
- boat
- ball
- wash hands
- bath
- brush teeth
- book
- outside
- bug
- up
- stars

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Jordan is out of town hunting and when he called yesterday Emberly was nearby. As soon as I ended the call she looked at me and put her hand up to her ear like she was talking on the phone and said, "Honey? Honey?" :) I guess I talk to my "Honey" on the phone quite a bit. :)