Sunday, May 18, 2014


Piper started slowly army crawling yesterday. She apparently needed daddy home before she'd consider movement. (Praise the Lord!)

Today she is all out correctly crawling. Look out world, I have two movers and shakers!

This morning during church Piper kept taking her pacifier out of her mouth and attempting to throw it on the ground (it was on a clip on her shirt). Then she'd say, "uh oh!" and laugh and laugh. She did this about a million times. She thought she was hilarious.

She also signs "milk" when she wants it, and then once she sees it laughs and giggles with delight. And says, "woooow!" and babbles a million other adorable little sounds.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday. Oh Friday.

I'm sitting on the couch, looking at chaos all around me. I *maybe* sometimes exaggerate the state of my house a little because it {feels like} it is a giant garbage pile... even if that just means there is a pile of dishes by the sink or something... but this is really bad. Pile of garage sale items by the front door, dishes stacked by the sink, two loads of (clean) laundry on the laundry counter waiting to be folded (and another load in the dryer), toys not yet picked up from the day, vacuuming definitely needed...


And instead of moving, I'm sitting on the couch... listening to Em sing herself to sleep (maybe more like listening to Em evade sleep)...

So today I took Em to see Uncle Mike and get a little checkup.

Be honest. Cutest dental pictures ever, right?

I might be a little biased. Anywho - she was a champ. Got to have a little ride in the chair, had Uncle Mike "tickle" her teeth, and left with a little Friendly Smiles stuffed animal. Then we hit Scheels. The day before the marathon. Not one of my greatest ideas, but not the worst. We saw fishies, spent some energy, and I bought myself a very discounted North Face jacket. Unfortunately the shopping and fun ended rather quickly when I realized I hadn't fed piper in 4ish hours and had no formula with. But still, it was a great morning.

Home. Lunch. Naps.

Then after naps we went downtown to hit Modern Textiles and swing over to the library. At 3:30pm. On a Friday. The Friday of Fargo Marathon weekend. Seriously, why did this not occur to me? Downtown was an absolute nightmare. The registration tents were in the grassy area beside the library. The library parking lot was 100% full. But people. I was committed. I had already told Emberly what we were doing, and un-doing that seemed worse than battling the crowd.

So we made it inside, played in the Wiggle Room, checked out books, and maybe even survived a {rather harsh) fall off a chair and into the corner of the play kitchen with her temple.

After making it around all of the marathon detours (with two crying children in the back) we decided Culvers was a necessary pit stop.

Dinner. Bath. Bedtime. Couch.

And that is why I am stuck here. It's actually kind of amazing I don't have a glass of wine in my hand.

It's 8:10pm on a Friday night and I am contemplating bed. Thankful for that option. And though this post is dripping in sarcasm and woes, it really was an awesome day with my girls. Learning to embrace the chaos is a lesson I believe I'll need to learn my whole life... thankful this is the way God decided he'd teach me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Piper's Words

I keep forgetting to blog this, so here's my speed blog:

Piper signs "more" consistently and appropriately. She occasionally also signs "eat" and she'll mimic "milk" but doesn't seem to know when she wants milk to ask for it. When looking at a bottle, however, she will sign milk. I introduced "please" today and she did it once, after LOTS of prompting and help.

She also verbally says "uh-oh!" with all kinds of enthusiasm every time anyone drops anything... and she might just throw something over the edge of her tray so that she can say "uh-oh." She also has the sweetest little, "ooooo!!" that she whips out when you show her something new. She copies other sounds we make too and is pretty spot on with many, but we still hear lots of da-da, ba-ba, etc.

I think she's gonna be a talker (with lots of early verbals) like her big sister.

That's all!

Still no crawling!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Random thoughts on 7 weeks away {and stuff}

A) I think I might have a sinus infection.

B) Living in denial, I had a glass of milk with my dinner tonight. And now I want to die a little bit.

C) 6 days until I get to fly to graduation and see my hubby!

D) Of the 7 weeks Jordan has been gone so far, someone in my house has been sick during 6 of those weeks. Many of those weeks more than one of us. That has included 4 trips to the walk-in clinic, 2 ear infections, 1 throat culture, 2 rounds of antibiotics and 1 ER visit. {and if my "cold" continues... we will make it 5 trips, 3 rounds of antibiotics, and 1 sinus infection...}

E) There has been more crying in this household in the past 7 weeks than maybe the past 7 months. {Only a little of it was me.}

F) I sold one of our vehicles and the other made a trip to the mechanic after the door {yes, door} broke.

G) We have watched more Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood than I am proud of.

H) I completely weaned Piper, first from any night feedings, and then onto formula 100%.

I) I may or may not have watched 7 seasons of the Office.

J) I have learned more about prayer and God's ever present hand in my life. In His most grace-filled way, we've even enjoyed lots of these 7 weeks, in spite of (or maybe in the midst of) sickness, tears, lack of sleep, and frustrations.

K) I have been "that mom" at Target. Walmart. Hornbachers. Doctor's office. Chiropractor. You name it. {You know, the one that is there after bedtime, with children in pajamas, trying to find a humidifier, but might as well get groceries while we're here... while children are crying, oh and sick, and oops I forgot to dress them warm enough, and why in the world is it so cold in May anyway?}

L) I have this gigantic appreciation for single mothers. I want to hug you all and bring you meals and offer to watch your children and let you sit in silence and yes.

M) Six.Days.Left