Monday, December 28, 2015

Baby #3

I am one week from my due date and I definitely feel like a time bomb. I wish I could say that I felt all calm and collected about the "whenever" of having this baby, but this whole brother getting married in Bismarck two days before my due date thing is making it all a little trickier. 

I'm 3+ cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby's head is at -1. I am only blogging this because I think it is kinda fun to compare to my last bambinos. However, it is becoming quite clear that these numbers pretty much mean nothing. Sweet babes are on their own schedule! 

So I keep ticking. And hoping that this bambino decides to make his grand entrance this week so we can go to the wedding WITH baby in arms instead of in my tummy wondering if he might make his debut along the highway. Ha.

Come on sweet boy! Mama wants to meet you! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Memories

I am a total sucker for Christmas traditions. I really just love all things "making memories" and watching my little people get excited.

One of my favorite traditions, carried on from the Wobbema side, is the gifting of Christmas PJs on Christmas Eve. Because who doesn't love cozy Christmas jammies?!

So we started our tradition last year, in Texas, in our cozy little one bedroom hotel room. We added to it by gifting a "Christmas Eve Box," filled with new pjs, a Christmas movie, popcorn, and a few other treats.  And even though we didn't have family around to celebrate with, we did go to Christmas Eve church and had a meal with friends and though it was wonderful, it was all just a little tricky to "fit it all in" on Christmas Eve.

So this year we revamped our plan. We started "Christmas Family Day" - and it just so happened that we could do it on the first Friday of the month based on Jordan's work schedule. (I'm sure it won't always fall so perfectly.)

We had plans to spend the whole day together, playing games, putting together puzzles, playing outside, baking cookies, doing crafts, taking the girls shopping for each other, whatever.

And though it didn't look exactly like I had envisioned it... we did have a lovely family day. We made pizzas together for lunch. We put together puzzles. We watched a Christmas movie. We wore our Christmas jammies. Emberly and I went shopping for Piper. We listened to Christmas music. And we did some just normal everyday stuff. 

It was all kinds of fantastic. And I hope it is a tradition we will carry on forever. (Minus the being very pregnant part.) 

And now my dumplings are tucked into bed... oh-so-exhausted. And I'm just a step behind them. 

I wish I had taken more pictures from today. But that's my only regret.

The end.