Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reading Goal

Dear Life,

I made some New Year Resolutions this year. One of them was to read a book a month. This month I made my treck to the library and picked out a book. Fiction. I do not read fiction very often, and I was reminded why once I started to read.

The minute I cracked open that book, it owned me. It was so all-consuming that I would stay up way too late reading and then dream about it all night long. I would read every time Emberly went down for a nap. I would ask Jordan to watch Emberly for a little while and instead of getting much needed housework done or errands or whatever, I would go read my book. I did this for several days and then couldn't stand it anymore. You see... you don't really get a ton of reading done when you have a bambino. I mean... even in stealing away all of these moments for reading, I only got about half-way through this 500 page book.

After doing this for two or three days, I just couldn't stand how controlled I felt by this dumb book. So after reading until 11:00 one night, on a night I should have gone to bed the minute Emberly did (because she had been waking up 6+ times at night thanks to her awful cold and I was exhausted), I flipped to the last chapter and read it. And then it did not control me anymore.

How lame is that?

Some day I will finish it, I'm sure. But for now, I will return it to the library and find something non-fiction to read. Like a book on underwater basket weaving. Or something equally boring. (Ok, not boring... but just not as emotionally grabbing.)

Sincerely Yours,

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