Tuesday, May 12, 2015


She's almost two. When you ask her how old she is, she holds up one finger and says "free. like Emmy." 

When you ask her what her name is, she will give you some variation of "baby" or "Pipey" or "Pipey baby." 

Most everything needs to be done "like Emmy." And if you forget, she will remind you. 

She climbs on EVERYTHING. Every time I turn around she is on the table or dangling over the back of the couch or hanging off the edge of Emberly's bed. 

She eats just about everything, but is occasionally weirdly selective and won't eat pasta or something she usually loves. Last night she shared Jordan's sushi. 

She takes one gloriously long afternoon nap, usually resulting in needing to wake her after two hours so she will go to bed when her big sissy does at night. She sleeps from 7pm-7am or later like clockwork. 

Her paci is her favorite thing, and I'm fairly certain she is going to be the only 18 year old going off to college that still has one. It's entirely contained to her crib for naps and bedtime... but lately she asks to go in her crib just for a quick paci refresher and then she's ready to conquer the rest of the day. Oops. 

She's a ham. She thinks she's hilarious and is always laughing at something. 

She can say anything she wants, and if you don't understand what she is asking for she will show you or give you clues until you get it. 

If you ask her a question she answers, "I no no" every.single.time. 

Though she's not into cuddling at bedtime, she likes to "pretend" she's my baby and let's me snuggle and rock her. It's maybe my favorite. 

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