Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sleeping Babe

Dear Life,

I know it's silly, but I'd really like to whip out my video camera while Emberly sleeps or just chills in my arms to capture the precious sounds, smiles, whimpers, sneezes, hiccups, cries, dreams, laughs, yawns, and breaths she takes. Have you heard a baby breathe lately? It is seriously the most captivating sound. Maybe I'm just sleep deprived and crazy but I could just sit with her in my arms forever listening to her breathe and it would never get old.

Today I feel like it's going a little too fast. Slow down sweet Emberly! How in the world can you be four weeks old tomorrow? I am taking all of these mental snapshots of the sweet sounds and cries and sneezes and it is just not good enough.

I know you won't enjoy this video of my sleeping babe the same way I do, but hey, it's not about you anyway. :) I blog so I remember the moments and hopefully I will someday get to share them with my sweet Emberly and she will get a glimpse of how fast we fell madly in love with her.

Yours Truly,

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
- Matthew 7:11 -

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