Monday, April 8, 2013

Awesome Things

Pinterest wastes lots of my time, yes, but I am not one of those people that pin things and never use them/complete them. Here is how Pinterest has already made my week more awesome...

And while I was picking up our fun crafting supplies, I found this handy dandy little dustpan, which for $1.98, was a total score. My child loves to "help" mama clean up. I guess we could call that an indirect Pinterest win.

AND... my all-time favorite Pinterest find...

I have been making a batch of "dots" as we call them in our house every few days. They are simply puréed fruits and vegetable squeezed out into little dots and frozen for Em's tiny hands to pop into her mouth. She isn't a vegetable lover, but she LOVES frozen dots. Fooled into delicious healthy food eating. They are a perfect snack or for pre-gaming before a meal while you are putting the finishing touches on dinner and your child decides the world will end if you do not feed them right.this.very.instant. Why not get the veggies in before the meal, right?? Only downside is that I can only give her a few at a time or they get all melty. Oh well, can't win them all.

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