Friday, April 4, 2014

Fever & Toys & Survival

Well... Piper has had a super low-grade temp the last few days, but I credited to teething and wasn't too worried about it. But then yesterday it went up to 101, and even after Tylenol in her system for close to two hours wasn't going down and she was just a miserable mess. So I decided to take her to the walk-in. Call me spazzy, but I didn't want to be wondering if I should have done that at 3am... wondering if I should wake up Em and haul them both in. You know? (And for the record, I totally would have wondered that with the night of sleep we had!)

And of course, all is well. Her throat looks sore and the doctor said she is no doubt fighting something off... but nothing treatable or major yet.

Any who - now my fears of having sick children or a vehicle problem while Jordan was gone have come true. And we handled them, all praise be to the One who leads the way and carries me through.

Piper now weighs 17 lbs, 4 oz, fully clothed. So she sure isn't growing at a rapid rate, but she is just my sweet, petite little peanut.

Em is catching up on some much needed rest this morning, and piper and I are marveling over some new found baby toys.

Last night I cleaned out all of the upstairs toys. And I am oh so happy about it! I put the toys in bins (in categories), then took pictures of the toys that were in the bin, printed them off with a label, and taped them on the side of the bin. Now my sweet E can put toys away in the proper place (I hope!). And of the 15 or so bins, I put away at least half of them in my closet to rotate out when these become boring again.

I'm loving it.

And that's all for us today! Almost through 2 weeks sans hubby/daddy. Dare I say, we might just survive this?!

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