Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What we've been up to...

Dear Life,

We've had lots of "tummy time" the past few days.
Emberly has found her fist and sucks on it all.the.time.

We had some fun visitors this past weekend. In fact, I counted 31 different visitors or people we saw from Wednesday of this past week until Sunday. That is a LOT of people. Here are a few of the visitors (my cousins!) meeting Emberly for the first time.

Jordan and I have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather by going on lots of walks. This particular time we walked to the grocery store to get our groceries for the week. We had a list... and it didn't look that long... but it was pretty interesting getting all of the groceries in the bottom of the stroller! We had a blast. Funny how your entertainment changes! Jordan is posing for the camera here. He *loves* having his picture taken. :)

My big exciting news of the week was that my WEDDING RING finally fit back on my finger! Between the swelling and the prego weight I gained, I could not get it back on my finger to save my life. Trust me... I tried... almost.every.day. A few days ago I got it back on and it was pretty much exciting news in our house. I thought it would be weird to take a picture of my hand with my ring on it... so I took one of my sleeping babe and my hand and the sweet homemade crocheted ball my dear friend Ranelle made Emberly.

Emberly still does a lot of random napping. Love it.

And... here is another beautiful day for a stroller ride! Grandma Margo was pushing the stroller this day and Emberly got to lay in the "real" part of the stroller and look forward! Big girl!

Emberly is a BIG 8 weeks tomorrow. Boo hoo, stop growing sweet girl!

We see the doctor this next week for shots and are attending a Halloween party at our kind neighbor's house on Saturday. That is about all for big excitement around here.

Yours Truly,

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