Sunday, December 18, 2011

Little Complaints and Big Blessings

Dear Life,

I'll be honest... I'm in kind of a "mood." You know, the kind that colors everything an ugly shade of gray? I obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed... which is too bad, because I totally wasted my day with my crabbiness.

There. I just wanted to be honest, because I think it's easy to color my days as sunshine and daisies in form of a blog post. So let me vent for 30 seconds, that's all I will take, I promise:

1. Why, oh why, do you ask if my baby is a boy or a girl when she is wearing an outfit with bright pink stripes, a giant pink cupcake on the front, and is wrapped in a pink blanket?

2. It hurts my feelings when you ask me what I do with my time at home. I am busy. All.Day.Long. I feed the baby, change the baby, play with the baby, clean the house, do the laundry, clean the messes, shop for the groceries, do the best to plan healthy meals, cook, run the errands... and it might seem trite. But it's not. At the end of the day I am absolutely exhausted. And I'm embarrassed that I'm exhausted because I only have one bambino. I don't know how parents of more than one child do it. The worst part is that there are days that I start to believe the lie that these things are not enough because I'm not getting paid for them or leaving the house with a "real job" (hate that).

3. I hate that I am a people pleaser. It leaves me exhausted at the end of the day because I can't say no. (Working on that.)

4. Why does my sweet baby girl not nap during the day? I think this would make my life much easier.

5. Why won't the pregnancy weight just drip off of me like it is supposed to? Baby has been out for almost 4 months.

I promised only 30 seconds, so if you are a fast reader I think I held true to my promise. I'm sorry I took it out on you. Will you forgive me?

So now let me think of some things that I am grateful for because those are the things I should be dwelling on anyway:

1. I have an absolutely fantastic husband who works incredibly hard to allow me to stay at home with Emberly every day. This no doubt results in more sleep, more quality time, healthier meals, more organization, less stress...

2. I just ate my emotions in the form of a bowl of Reeses peanut butter cereal. Delicious.

3. I only have 7 pounds left to lose from my rediculous baby weight gain. Woot woot!

4. Emberly sleeps well 97% of the time.

5. My mom is babysitting tomorrow so I can get some errands done. The rest of the working world will be at work so I don't have to deal with holiday shopping crazies. Praise the Lord!

6. Christmas is in 7 days and I cannot wait to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

7. I got to go to Bethel's Christmas program tonight and it was super refreshing to sing Christmas music, listen to talented musicians, and snuggle a sleeping baby.

8. Jordan's 'Friday' is tomorrow and I cannot wait to have a weekend with him.

9. I had a lovely conversation on the phone with my mom tonight and she let me vent and made me laugh. Both were a necessity. We talked for 56 minutes. When we hung up I still had more I wanted to say. Blessed by that friendship.

10. Jordan will be home from work in less than 2 hours.

11. Emberly is sleeping and the house is delightfully quiet.

12. I haven't done laundry other than diapers and baby laundry in at least a week and Jordan doesn't care.

13. Tomorrow is Monday and I do not have to be anywhere.

14. Jordan, Emberly, and I went on a walk today. It was 55 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. There is no snow on the ground and it is December 18th.

15. My brother comes home on Tuesday or Wednesday! I miss him a lot.

16. Emberly is a fantastically healthy, growing baby that shares lots of smiles with us every day.

17. I have a comfy cozy bed that I get to sleep in every night in a warm house.

Speaking of that warm cozy bed... it is time to crawl into it before sweet baby girl decides she's hungry.



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