Monday, January 14, 2013

Baby in my Belly

Dear Baby in my Belly,

I got to meet you today. I mean, we've had little conversations here and there, but it's mostly me that does that talking. I get to tell you how much I love you already and how excited I am to meet you. Sometimes I tell you that it would be really awesome if we could just skip this first trimester "stuff" and get on to the good stuff... I even call you bossy sometimes because you really know what you want and when you want it, and boy do I pay for it if I don't listen or catch on right away.

But today, I got to hear back from you when I got to hear your little heart beat. Those 155 beats per minute were serious music to my ears. It made me so excited to know more about you. What your little ears and eyes and nose will look like. What we'll call you. Who you'll look like. What will tickle your funny bone, if you'll be a picky eater, if you'll be tidy or messy, what you'll tell us when you can talk. It made me wonder all of those things and just be excited. I cannot wait to meet you. I cannot wait to hold your little hand. I cannot wait to laugh with you and rub noses with you and rock and rock and rock until we fall asleep together.


You're perfect in every way already.


Your Mama