Friday, June 28, 2013


Today I packed the hospital bag. Finally. It just feels like such a big task. Plus you don't want to be that mom that waltzes into the hospital with everything but the kitchen sink... but you also don't want to be underprepared. Such a dilemma. Anywho - it is done, complete with a list of last minute things to grab.

Now if we could just convince this baby to give me an idea of when/how she might like to make her debut...

This planning mama would greatly appreciate it. I'm maybe stressing just a tiny bit about what to do with Emberly when labor strikes.

Oh well. Countdown is +\- 18 days. I'm hoping for the minus, and preparing for the plus.

In some ways I'm feeling huge and so over being pregnant, and in other ways I'm just feeling very content. It is so hard to imagine what our lives will be like as a family of four. I selfishly feel so comfortable as a family of three. The unknown is scary.

But I trust that I'll fall just as deeply in love with this baby as I did with Emberly. And I'm so excited to meet her. And I *think* we've settled on a name again (a different one!). And I made some newborn hats and washed the swaddle blankets. And life just feels right.

So bring it on, baby.

Today at 37 weeks and 3 days I'm:

Feeling: huge

Excited for: newborn cuddles

Nervous about: getting to sleep ever again

Craving: hot baths and cookies

Noticing: lots of baby hiccups

Loving: when Jordan is home to help with all things Emberly Ann

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