Tuesday, August 13, 2013


So once upon a time we purchased a video monitor at Bed Bath and Beyond during the day after Thanksgiving sales. It has been super awesome, because we can see the shenanigans that Emberly is up to in her crib and decide if/when we need to intervene.

Well Miss Emberly has been full of bedtime bologna lately, and I have to admit, I'm kind of a sucker for it. Even if our day isn't overly peaceful, I want it to end in a peaceful way, and Emberly always goes to bed willingly and happy. I love that. So I give in to her requests for one more song or one more minute of rocking because I can and I know these requests won't last forever.

But lately it's gotten a little out of control with Jordan or I going in there 3 or 4 times over the course of an hour. An hour that she should be sleeping. She isn't upset or crying... usually just bouncing or undressing herself or messing around and not sleeping.

So back to the video monitor. Our little cheapo one broke and we brought it back to Bed Bath and Beyond and they gave us a new one. They had discontinued our model so they even gave us the upgrade. And this model has a feature with a microphone that you can talk into and your child can hear you. Weird, right?! I told Jordan we'd never use it. Way too impersonal and just plain strange.

But today at nap time I had gone in there what felt like a million times and my hands were full of Piper and I could see on the monitor Em was just fine, so I used the microphone feature and said, "Emmy, it's time to sleep. Lay down please. Love you!" And she literally flung herself down and said "night mommy" and never made another peep.

I thought it was a fluke... but tonight I didn't go in there even once and went straight to the monitor and said, "Mommy's not coming back, lovey. Can you show mommy how you lay down and go to sleep?"

And her response? "Yup! Night!" And she flung herself down and sang herself Twinkle Twinkle Little Star until she fell asleep.

Monitor making people, maybe you did know what you were doing.

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