Saturday, August 10, 2013

One Month

Dear Life,

Sweet Piper Elizabeth was born one month ago today.  A whole month.  I cannot even really comprehend that.  Yesterday when I brought my sweet bambino to the lactation clinic she weighed 9 pounds on the nose.  She is a fantastic little eater.  That is all kinds of awesome.  Let's hope that means she'll start sleeping through the night sooner than later...

This past month we've just been learning all sorts of things about Miss Piper.  Here are a few:

1. She makes noise.  Lots and lots of noise.  Mostly in the form of grunting.  But she definitely has a big cry that has developed in the last week or so also.  And she goes from a tiny little whimper to big old cry in 1 second or less.  There is no middle ground.

2. She has the sweetest little smiles.  I just love love love that passed out, sleeping on my chest, breathing heavy, dreamy little smile.  It is probably my favorite.

3.  She is going to be tough.  She has to be, with the "rough" love that Emberly gives.  Who knew kisses could be so... physical? 

4.  She is still very sleepy.  A few moments of awake each day are all she seems to muster.  But when she's awake, she's generally pretty happy.

5.  Her sleep schedule is still non-existent.  But if I had to tell you what seems to be the pattern most recently, she is eating in the evenings around 7:30, 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, and 7:30.  For you non-math people, that is every 3 hours.  For you non-mom people that means I am up almost an hour of that time, which means I am sleeping for two hours.  Except I have a stellar husband who works nights and a rock-awesome baby who takes a bottle, so Jordan usually covers the 1:30am feeding and I get to sleep a longer stretch.  Wahoo!  :)

6.  She doesn't seem to like being swaddled.  And she can get out of the tightest of tight swaddles.  At one month old.  This seems very strange to me...

That's all for now - but a monthly update surely wouldn't be complete without a picture, right?  So... go ahead... oogle over how adorable she is.  I don't mind.  :)

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