Thursday, January 26, 2012


Emberly got the giggles after her bath tonight. I LOVE when she laughs. It seriously made my whole day. If you're wondering about her unorthodox outfit... I was in the process of putting her PJs on when the laughing spurt developed. Don't judge. :)

I also LOVE when Emberly...

1. rubs her little nose all over my shoulder. I *think* it's how she gives me a hug and tells me she loves me.
2. licks me or starts gnawing on my fingers. Teething anyone??
3. gives the "baby in the mirror" giant smiles.
4. sleeps 6, 7, or 8 hour stretches at night.
5. babbles and talks to us. This is pretty much a constant lately.
6. plays with her toes.
7. rubs her eyes to tell us she's sleepy.
8. does pretty much anything.

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