Monday, January 16, 2012

Recap on the working world

Dear Life,

We made it through the week last week in spite of the fact that Emberly and Jordan both had nasty cold sickness all week. They are both still on the tail end of it, but I believe they are in recovery mode.

I had a love/hate relationship with working... depending on the moment and my mood I will tell you that I had a blast or it was lame. Well... a blast might be a stretch because I read the same tests to K and 1st grade students. But it was fun to be in the schools and work with students. Believe it or not, I honestly believe that it is easier to be away from home than it is to be a stay-at-home mama. You may disagree, but it's a little bit of an escape and I know exactly what my job is and someone gives me feedback and I get to talk to adults and I don't feel like I'm constantly guessing. Being home with Emberly (though wonderful) does not produce the same results. I'm at her whim. And I'm happy to be. Easier isn't always better. And though it was *easier* to be at work, it didn't make coming home any easier. I felt awful for leaving her when she was sick. I felt really behind all week. Plus I missed Miss E something terrible.

Yours Truly,

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