Friday, May 18, 2012


Dear Life,

Emberly and I are flying to Denver in a few days to celebrate my brother's graduation from Dental School (Jordan won't get to come due to work). I am sooo excited for Mike and am super thankful to get to celebrate with him and go to the graduation ceremony. Yay Brother!

But in order to get there... we have to survive an airplane ride and make our way through the airport. This is possible. I'm sure of it. I am still just slightly nervous. I hope there aren't any baby-haters on our plane. Seriously.

So if you are a praying person, will you please pray that the flight goes well? And while you're at it, could you maybe pray that Emberly will sleep while we are away from home? She is kinda notoriously bad at sleeping away from home... and now that I've stopped feeding her at night, her dad has been on night-duty... and he will not obviously be there. She isn't fond of me not feeding her in the middle of the night still.

Yup. That's my story.

Oh! Emberly has done a little better at sleeping at night. Naps, however, not so much. She just sits right up as soon as I lay her down and then can't get back on her back to sleep. Tricky tricky. But today, she bounced on her mattress awhile and played (I could hear her...) and eventually took a nap on her tummy! Maybe this will be a new wonderful thing. Just maybe.

Sincerely Yours,

P.S. If you have travel-with-a-baby tips, feel free to shoot them my way!


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