Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Saturday?

Dear Life,
I’ve never been one for Black Friday shopping before, and trust me, this year was not any different. I, however, thought I’d struck gold with a ‘50% off one item’ coupon from Joann fabrics, because I have been determined to make a scarf from a tutorial that I found on Pinterest, so I set out today to purchase my single cut of fabric. (Today is Saturday mind you, I thought Black Friday was over.) I told Jordan I’d be back in an hour tops because I had to run to my mom’s house to pick up something I had left there earlier and to Joann’s. Two quick errands.

Please imagine my surprise when I walked in the door of the fabric store and saw ads and papers and merchandise strewn about the floor and women EVERYWHERE. I should have just turned around and left right then, but I was determined to get my fabric at that point, it was main reason I left the house. So I walked to the cutting counter to take my number and then went straight to the knit fabrics to pick out the one I needed, thinking I was so smart to pick up my number first so I didn’t have to wait in line as long. (I think I must have closed my eyes to not notice the million women in line paying for their items and the giant bags of fabric people were carrying out of the store… no, I did not notice these until I was walking out of the store…) So here I am standing in the aisle looking for a nice blue fabric when I hear one of the ladies at the fabric counter call out number 36. It is at this point that I look down at my number and discover that I am number 97. 97?! Yes… there were 61 people in line ahead of me. Oh. My. Goodness.

I went back to the fabric counter, laid down my number, and walked out of the store. I could not imagine wanting something enough to be in that store a minute more... especially when I have this waiting at home for me:

And now? I am enjoying the heat in my house and the taco soup I made for lunch while Jordan snuggles Emberly downstairs because she’s not interested in napping today. She must be growing because she has been sleeping through the night most nights lately, or at least only getting up once around 6 or 7am and then going back to sleep, and the last several nights she’s gotten up at 3am, 6am, 7:30am… (you get the picture). Oh well! We are still spoiled. We love her so much and we can deal with it.

Yours Truly,

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