Thursday, November 3, 2011


Dear Life,

We went to the doctor for Emberly's 2-month well baby checkup on Tuesday. She is growing like a weed! Our sweet baby girl is now 12 lbs. and 7 oz. and 23 inches long. Wowza! That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight-for-length, and 90th percentile for weight-for-age, and 75th percentile for length-for-age. (I just hope she's at least a 5th grader by the time she is taller than me...)

Emberly also got shots at her appointment. It was pretty traumatic (for me) and poor girl was all out of sorts the rest of the day. She had fully recovered by morning though, only waking one extra time during the night and still getting close to 11 hours of sleep.

Now... here is the *fab-u-lous* news of the day... are you ready??

Emberly slept 11 hours last night... without waking up even once! Shut the front door. That is ridiculous. Hilarious. Lovely. Beautiful. Glorious! :) This could be a new trend and I'd be totally ok with it.

The even better part is that she slept in her crib! We've maybe been *kinda bad* in that we've been letting her sleep in her vibrating bouncy chair at night because let me tell you, this girl is addicted to movement. That bouncy bouncy is just the icing on the cake for my baby girl. But as she starts to wiggle a little more, we decided that we'd better move her to the crib plenty early so we don't have any spills. (Do we sound like terrible parents for letting her sleep in the bouncy?? Please don't judge, unless you'd like a non-sleeping baby in your house overnight.) :)

Anyway. I went to bed just 30 minutes after I put her down at 9:30, thinking it could very well be a long night. When I woke up at 5:00am, I was all out shocked she had not gotten me out of bed. After laying in bed for about 15 minutes, I got up the courage to go and check and make sure she was well... alive. Ahhh, sigh, peacefully sleeping and breathing baby was enough peace of mind for me. I fell back asleep thinking she would be waking me very soon... but no, I woke up again at 8:00 and she was still sleeping! She started cooing and taking at about 8:30. Goofy girl.

Anyway... that's about all in baby-land.

Daddy-o left for deer hunting in Carington this afternoon. He's gone until TUESDAY. Did you do the math? Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. That would be 6 days. If I'm feeling generious I could maybe say 4 days since he left this afternoon and will be home before he goes to work at 3:00 on Tuesday... but I'm not feeling all that generious. :) We will miss him! However, it was pretty fun to see how excited he was to go hunting with friends and family. I truly hope he has a blast (and misses us a lot!). Emberly and Grandma and I are going "hunting" this weekend too. We are headed to the lake to spend a few days on a retreat of our own. Yippee!

That's all for now. Happy Thursday (almost Friday!)!

Yours Truly,
(I know this picture has nothing to do with anything I wrote about - but I thought it was hilarious. Jordan got new decoys and the first thing he does is plop Emberly on one as if she's riding it. Goofy Daddy-o.)

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